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Everything posted by acg

  1. acg

    Boren 2011-2012

    I believe that they will be making notifications via email and regular mail. I just got a note from one of the coordinators (because I emailed him with a question about changing my proposed plan) and he said 'we will be making notifications next week, hopefully!' so it looks like if you were hoping for this week (like I have been) you should stop holding your breath. :-( In regards to the declaration of future jobs, I just wrote two specific jobs that I could obtain in the short term (based on my current qualifications) and described future job types that I could pursue later in my career. @ Runner- I'm doing a half marathon May 7th. Running is definitely a good way to reduce stress/ get your mind off of the agony of waiting!
  2. acg

    Boren 2011-2012

    I received the same email. My question is do you think Boren would let me change my plan and not do the summer ALI (but still do the Fall ALI provided I pass the langauge test)? I got a fellowship from the Dept of State to spend the summer in Israel and I think this is too good of an opportunity to turn down but obviously I would rather spend a year abroad then just six weeks abroad so I would definitely rather have Boren if I can't do both. Does anyone know how easy it is to change your plan of study if you get Boren? Or what about if it includes the ALI in your plan (I imagine this is harder to change?). I really hope we find out next week!
  3. acg

    Boren 2011-2012

    I have had about 3 emails too. My advisor also thinks it's a good sign. I know the students at school last year found out right around this time in April via email than got official documents in the mail a couple of weeks later (early May). Erica, did you apply to the African Languages Initiative in Tanzania? I applied to that and then applied to do my independent research for 8 months after in Kenya...
  4. acg

    Boren 2011-2012

    Thanks for setting this up! I applied for Boren to study Swahili in Tanzania and Kenya. I'm an Environmental Engineer by background. Anyone else?
  5. If you can fit it all in a car/van renting one from a car rental company will probably be cheaper than a truck rental at $1600 (plus the gas would be way cheaper). Also look into PODs. That's how I got all my stuff across country. Might be too expensive if you don't have furniture though
  6. I'm hoping for April 5th or 6th because I'm going to a conference these days and it would be fun to find out then! Also I think they do it in the middle of the night to avoid an overload on the fastlane system.
  7. I did the same thing- the proposals that I've seen that were actually funded (from others in my department over the past few years) all had separate intellectual merit and broader impact sections so it was easier to read. I'm sure they fund ones that don't have the sections separated but it has to be explicit for your reviewer to judge.
  8. The weather is not THAT bad. I would definitely give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 NOT a 1.5! The Spring and Fall are gorgeous! The summer can be a little hot but it's not nearly as humid as it is south and east of here (where I'm from) so I find it very pleasant. Winter is a little long but there are always random days with nice weather mixed into the cold. Also, the campus is not that big. It's about a mile from edge to edge but you never have to walk from the airport to the stadium (complete opposite edges). I would say on average you can get anywhere on campus in a 10 minute walk. Most other large universities that I've visited have a much bigger campus.
  9. Did anyone else apply for NSF under "interdisciplinary"? Or also apply for the Boren Fellowship?
  10. The last two years it wasn't announced until April. Last year the email went out on April 6th (a Tuesday) and I think it was the 7th the year before that. I have a feeling we have another few weeks... :-(
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