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Everything posted by aikaerorasitus

  1. Unfortunately not a success story. I'm still really stressing out about what to do. I got wait-listed by Purdue a few weeks ago, and though they told me I should hear back by this Friday I still haven't heard anything. I'm going on a trip on Friday, and I have a few schools that are waiting for a reply by then, so I basically am going to have to make a decision by tomorrow. I think if I haven't heard anything by this afternoon I might call the contact person in my wait-list email and explain my situation. I just feel as though they probably won't be able to give me any information that will help.
  2. Congrats! I'm about 70% sure that I'm going to end up staying here next year, unless I magically hear from Purdue and get some kind of assistance within the next week. It'd be really nice if schools paid more attention to their own deadlines...
  3. Well it looks like the bulk of the UCB decisions went out last night! I'm still waiting on three other schools, and I feel like I have to hear back soon. I think if I don't hear from a school by April 1st I'm going to send them an email or call the office. I have decisions to make and it's a bit unacceptable to leave only a couple of weeks to make that decision!
  4. Some schools have an MS non-thesis program where you just take classes and sometimes take an exam at the end. Then there's M.Eng. where there's a project built in instead of a thesis. Not many schools offer an M.Eng degree in civil/structural yet. Cornell, Lehigh, and Berkeley are ones that I applied to, but I'm quite sure Michigan and UIUC don't. You'd probably be able to get into an M.Eng. program with a GPA of 3.15. It's still above a 3.0, which is the cut-off for a lot of places. I think the best think you need to do is start researching programs. They'll often list a preferred or required GPA once you start digging around their websites. Every places is different. I think you should calculate your major GPA, and if that's higher you can always use that as evidence of your academic strength in civil/structural engineering when you write your SOP.
  5. I applied for Masters at Berkeley and haven't heard anything yet, but I haven't heard from anywhere except for Lehigh and UIUC, so I think most schools are just being really slow for people who didn't apply to a PhD program. Hopefully they realize that the deadline is almost a month away!
  6. You mean the signature? As far as I know you just have to do it manually (that's what I did). If you click your name in the upper right corner and then on "My Profile" you'll see the options for editing your signature.
  7. Congrats! Nah I won't be there because I go there undergrad so I didn't really see the point. I know all the professors already and I've already been to an informal info session.
  8. Hey everyone, I figured I would stop in and say hi. Senior applying to grad programs in structural engineering here. I applied to masters programs (about 50-50 split between M.Eng and M.S.) because I'm undecided about whether I'd like to pursue research or head into industry. All I know right now is that I'd like to at least obtain a masters degree. As of now only heard back from Lehigh and Illinois and so far it's a 1-1 split. Getting pretty anxious/impatient.
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