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Everything posted by designr

  1. Hey! Congrats! I know you really wanted MICA!! Good job!
  2. I still haven't heard anything from RISD, VCU, RIT or Cranbrook.... I saw others received their rejection/acceptance notices... what does it mean... what does it all mean?
  3. Anyone have any insight on the Design and Technology program at Parsons? From what I understand, it's graphic design and emerging technology all in 1.. and you can sort of make your own path as to which you want to do.
  4. Yes, I am referring to the Design and Technology program. From what I understand it's sort of graphic design and emerging technology within the same program, and as a student, you can sort of make your own path as to weather you want to lean one way or another. I really liked the idea of learning more about emerging technology since print is being replaced by technology now. I did not apply to NYU's ITP program.. and I actually have no idea what it is? I have a skype phone call set up with them next week to ask questions about the program.
  5. Just curious.. did the new rankings come out? I researched and only found 2008.
  6. I applied to 13 schools as well and hoped i'd get into just 1... I have heard from 9, 5 accepted, 4 rejections.. and 4 yet to hear from (RISD, VCU, RIT, Cranbrook). My top two that I am struggling with is Parsons and CCA. I have not visited either, and I'm not sure that I can, since April 15 is fast approaching and flying is so expensive. I applied for the graphic design programs at both schools. I am leaning towards Parsons because I would rather be in NYC.. and I feel contacts and connections might be better there for me in the future. But in the end, I feel like I should go to the better school. Here is a list of school rankings: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-fine-arts-schools/graphic-design-rankings I'm not sure how I feel about school rankings because this is from 2008... and who's to say what is official rankings? Does anyone have any insight?
  7. I applied to the Design and Technology program.
  8. Hi! I got accepted into Parsons without an interview as well. What program did you apply to?
  9. Awesome! I just got accepted yesterday! But they said that funding information isn't out yet... what program did you apply for?
  10. Just got in to Parsons in NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Mrs. Grad

      Mrs. Grad


  11. Ahhhh!! Just got accepted into Parsons!!! Pretty excited! No funding info though.
  12. Syrian revolution starting!! Wonder if anything will come of it..

  13. I just talked to them today about that... they said we should be receiving two packets in the mail.. the first one will include the official letter and any merit based scholarships. The second will be from their financial aid office that will include need-based scholarships and other general financial aid/loan information. So should be any day now!
  14. Do you guys think it's fine to just reply back via email to the schools that you know you will not be going to? Or is that rude?.. I'm not really sure if there is an etiquette to this?
  15. Time is ticking! Only 4 more weeks till I have to make my "official" decision on school... And still no word from 5 schools!

  16. Rejected from univ of Florida. Ah well, CCA in San Fran is 10 times better (academically) anyways! Take that univ of fl!!

  17. Rejected from Univ. of Florida It's so weird because I already got into a couple of schools that are 10 times better (academically) than Unv. of Florida. But I got rejected from Univ of Florida... It's so crazy, you never know why they pick you or don't pick you.... so strange these schools are.
  18. Yeah.. I talked to CCA this morning about funding, etc... and they said to wait for a packet in the mail that will give you info if you received anything, as far as merit based funding.. and then following that we should receive funding info for "need based" scholarships and loans.
  19. Where would you rather go? Cranbrook is a great school!!
  20. For those of you accepted into RISD... did your admission status change??
  21. Ugh... My head hurts so bad... I want to hurt it back!!

  22. What about Design and Technology @ Parsons. Anyone applied for that and heard something back yet?
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