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Everything posted by designr

  1. How the FrEAk do you cure medicine dry mouth??!!??!!

    1. huldadans


      a glass of water

  2. Has anyone applied to Parsons? Heard anything yet?
  3. How come if you @ someone who isn't following you, they can't see your tweet?

  4. Had the worst dry/cotton mouth/throat all day from this medicine.. Isn't medicine suppose to make to feel better, not give you new symptoms?

  5. Check it out! I took meds and it's helping! Woot woot!

  6. I wonder if RISD always interviews their candidates...
  7. Dyying to go shopping!

  8. I got in to CCA!!! San Francisco!!!! 4 yes 3 no. 6 left to go!

  9. It's not a specific email that says anything about web advisor.. it's on the very very bottom of the email that confirms that they received your application. You put "cca" at the beginning of the 7 digit number and that is your user name... your birthdate is your password. so cca1234567 is the username And then you change your pw once you log on.
  10. I heard back from CalArts (Rejection) via snail mail. But if you haven't heard anything either way, is probably good! Not every school interviews for every major. You could always call and ask, it doesn't hurt.
  11. AHHHHH!!! I just got accepted to CCA!!!!! Via web advisor!
  12. Ahhhhh! I made the top 25 at VCU!!! Over 100 applicants. Two more cuts left. Wish me lots o luck!

  13. Sensing out "accept me" vibes to VCU..... Accept me... Accept me... Accceeeept meeee

  14. Ugh, I hate being sick. I want my mommmyyyyy! Wwaahhhhhhh

  15. Has anyone applied to RIT.. heard anything yet?
  16. Why am I always hungry??!

    1. kaz


      I know how that feels. :S

    2. hopehope


      this is me!!!

  17. Ummmm apparently you can't receive pell grants for anything beyond a bachelors degree... I had no idea.

  18. Ahhhh who's ready for the Apple event Wednesday???!?!?

  19. Ahhhh I think I'm getting sick!

  20. I'm dyyyying to hear about VCU... CCA ... and RISD! Alright, I broke down and called RISD.. they haven't sent out any acceptance/rejection letters for any discipline.
  21. Try checking out the web advisor on CCA's website... they have your status listed on there. Mine just says "application under review".
  22. Just got accepted into OU, (with conditional status)!! Too bad I already got accepted into a program 10 times better! =D screw you OU...Hehe

  23. Just got an acceptance email from OU.. I saw a few others applying there.
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