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Everything posted by mbsciuch

  1. Toasted almond
  2. Gone away
  3. dress down
  4. midori sour
  5. Wow! Nothing like giving up completely to make an acceptance feel SO amazing!!! Just got the news...I'm in!
  6. Darth Vader
  7. Good luck to you... I emailed the department I applied to a few days ago and haven't heard anything. So, I've given up any hope on this one, and I feel better--no more anxiety or useless checking everyday.
  8. (what happened after "crouching tiger"?) Growing bacteria
  9. Super bowl
  10. music venue
  11. fresh air
  12. Hats off (I played nicely...)
  13. Fair trade
  14. Following along... First half
  15. Nylon stocking
  16. Truck stop
  17. Monster truck
  18. Literacy skills
  19. Application review
  20. Book review
  21. Absent minded
  22. Street walker
  23. Night light
  24. Criminal minds
  25. surgeon general
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