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Status Updates posted by hopehope

  1. oh yeaaaaaaah! Vacation on the beach! I love you babie!

    1. MoJingly



    2. hopehope


      you are certainly welcome!

  2. i love my boy most!

  3. Leaving to present a paper in a conference and enjoy music evenings and dinner nights with friends! I love my field a lot!

    1. Neuronista
    2. hopehope


      Thank you! It was a great success and my advisor thinks I should add it to my dissertation!! This saves me another 10 pages :P not bad at all! Oh I also read some bilingual poetry some by me some by great poets and it was a blast! now, back to teaching for a couple of weeks! I love life the way it is! Would not want to change a thing!

  4. I feel so good! SO good! Enjoyed my beach dinner with my friends and loving all the good news and plans! SO EXCITED!

    1. mandy


      Amazing life. Congrats!!

    2. hopehope


      Thanks! Happiness is within! No one has all that he deserves or dreams of, ever, so why not be happy with what we have?!

  5. Just submitted the first draft of chapter 1 to my 4 committee members! ahh finally! Why is writing slower than it seems? esp with a full time visiting lecturer job, too damn demanding, at one of the most prestigious private colleges?

  6. Just finished working on my bi-lingual conference paper! yayyy! party tomorrow!

  7. countdown baby!

  8. Travelling @ @ & 2 weeks to go!

  9. "the more I see you, the more I love you"

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