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Everything posted by michpc

  1. So I'm assuming that HGSE is Harvard Graduate School of Education? I may be biased, but I highly recommend spending the extra bucks and living in the Harvard Square area (a mile+ is an easy walk). If you search hard, there are deals to be found. My boyfriend and I pay $1600 for a small 2 bedroom with basement storage, free laundry, free heat, and an off street parking spot. It won't be as cheap as Allston, but in my opinion, it's worth the extra money. The red line kicks the green line's ass, and the Harvard Square area is much quieter, yet there are still great places to grab a drink (Shay's Pub and Wine Bar is a favorite of mine). Anyway, as you can see, I'm partial to this side of the river! If you want to save money, though, and don't mind taking the subway to work, Davis Square is a bit cheaper. I've also lived near there, and never really had a problem with noise, same for where I live now, which is between Harvard and Porter Squares. There are several large apartment buildings surrounding our smaller building, yet it's always quiet and so much more attractive than Allston, ha! "Lower Allston" north of the MassPike may also be a viable option, as I think less students live there, but I'd still much rather stay north of the Charles. Hope this helps :-).
  2. I've only heard from one out of 8, but I wasn't expecting to hear from any until the week after next, so hang in there!
  3. So, can anyone tell me more about Charleston? It's Friday night, so my main question is: how's the bar culture? I LOVE a good beer, and love a relaxed local bar that has a huge tap selection where I can go back often and try new beers. Another question...are there a lot of outdoorsy people? I love hiking and getting outside when weather permits.
  4. I know you're in a slightly different situation because you're engaged, but I only let my boyfriend do the major veto of NYC (not that bothered because of cost of living, though my best friend does live there), but in terms of the ultimate choice, I'm not going to let him drag me down. I'd say wait on the list, but if it comes to the point that you're still on it and the other school is pressuring you, go with that one. It is a tough decision though. Right now, the only school I've been accepted to is in SC, and my boyfriend is very much a homebody (his family is ALL in Rhode Island and most of have lived in the same town their whole lives), so I'm not sure he'll want to come with me. ugh!
  5. Well, 1. my boyfriend probably wants to murder me because I have used the application process as an excuse to pretty much never clean. 2. I'm not sure if he's going to move with me . We'll see what happens in the coming months.
  6. Can't beat PennDesign's subject line of "Admissions Decisions", which then informed me that I needed to complete FAFSA by the 15th of Feb and that they would notify online on the 14th of March. Killin' me!
  7. ha! I do the exact same thing. I also have a smartphone, so whenever I hear it beep or see the green light flashing, I'm obsessively checking..at the gym, walking on the street, in bed first thing in the morning, LOL. It's funny, I thought I would have my first two notifications coming up in the next two weeks, and was resigned to that, but then I was accepted over the phone to a program on Tuesday and now I'm even MORE antsy to find out the other results because now it feels like it can happen at any time!
  8. I have to say, my feet are toasty warm. I spent over four years in a dead-end job because it paid well and the economy was bad, but I've always wanted to go to grad school. I'm glad I spent the four years enjoying myself (and not saving enough money, whoops!), but now I am bout as ready as you can get to get the heck out of here and start something new! It's a bit of a scary prospect to start over and move somewhere else, but it feels right. Hope everything works out for you!
  9. I'm 26, and following in the footsteps of my mom who got her first Master's in 1977 from Wisconsin and went back an graduated with her second at 52 at Keene State! I'm also following my little sister (22) who's in her second semester in Art History at Temple. It's a little weird to be taking advice from her on this stuff . I'm glad I waited, though; I was adamant that I wanted to be in Boston after college, but almost 5 years out I'm super excited (but also a little scared) to be moving somewhere new. The closest school I applied to is about a 4 hour drive from home. The farthest I applied to for undergrad was 5! Good luck, Zorah, my mom is so happy she want back and loves her new career, even if she was one of the oldest people there.
  10. You can certainly live on that amount. You won't be living like a king, but you won't be scraping by either if you're good at budgeting! I've lived in the area for the past 4 1/2 years and will be moving soon myself for grad school, but I love it here. I'm not a Harvard student, but feel free to pick my brain about the local area if you have any questions and I'll try to find an answer.
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