So I'm assuming that HGSE is Harvard Graduate School of Education? I may be biased, but I highly recommend spending the extra bucks and living in the Harvard Square area (a mile+ is an easy walk). If you search hard, there are deals to be found. My boyfriend and I pay $1600 for a small 2 bedroom with basement storage, free laundry, free heat, and an off street parking spot. It won't be as cheap as Allston, but in my opinion, it's worth the extra money. The red line kicks the green line's ass, and the Harvard Square area is much quieter, yet there are still great places to grab a drink (Shay's Pub and Wine Bar is a favorite of mine). Anyway, as you can see, I'm partial to this side of the river! If you want to save money, though, and don't mind taking the subway to work, Davis Square is a bit cheaper. I've also lived near there, and never really had a problem with noise, same for where I live now, which is between Harvard and Porter Squares. There are several large apartment buildings surrounding our smaller building, yet it's always quiet and so much more attractive than Allston, ha! "Lower Allston" north of the MassPike may also be a viable option, as I think less students live there, but I'd still much rather stay north of the Charles. Hope this helps :-).