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Everything posted by poiuyt

  1. Sweet!
  2. Sent in 8 apps, 3 of them to top ranked schools - way over my head. I got one acceptance from my best match of interest, and then an interview offer from a higher ranked school which I refused.
  3. It's not the 7 cats that throws me for a loop, it's the 2 husbands!
  4. poiuyt

    Tempe, AZ

    Are you sure? So, when it comes to opinion - we can (and clearly do) disagree. And thank Darwin for differences of opinion - what a boring world we would live in otherwise. For example you like Scottsdale - I think Scottsdale is packed with shallow, vapid, uninteresting people. You are A-OK with the level of heat in AZ and I'm not (yet I've managed to survive and thrive here my entire adult life). But when it comes to fact - thanks to the advent of internet - you can't fudge. Or you can, but then you'll be caught in a lie. And then people will tend not to believe anything else you say. The highest temperature recorded for February was 92 degrees according to the national weather survey which is a bit higher up then weather.com on the credibility scale. If your point was that it never topped 90 this February - I never said it did. And, though you should feel free to continue this argument, I will not be joining you. *edit Also, to help answer some questions, there are indeed affordable places to live near ASU - and quiet and safe. The only trouble is you have to get the legwork in to find them, but it's definitely worth the search. Parking on the other hand is pretty lame. The passes are expensive and sometimes you can only get inconvenient structures. I found living near ASU and biking to classes to be the way to go. Best of luck to you!
  5. poiuyt

    Tempe, AZ

    I can say it's too hot in April because I live here, right now, and it was about 90 degrees some two weeks ago. In February. That means you have to turn the AC on in your car, and you get sunburned while biking. In February!!! That's how.
  6. Yeah it was about a week later. I gather from the experiences of others that schools do this often enough - basically their bureaucratic way of closing your file. Still, that doesn't make it any less lame in my book - they could have just as easily sent an email that said something like "Per your request we are withdrawing you from consideration." But then I never would have had the opportunity to come up with my clever (for entertainment purposes only) retort so there's my silver lining!
  7. MacDuff: Yeah, I got a nice response from my POI too! She congratulated me on getting an awesome match and thanked me for basically not wasting her time. But this email I got was just plain annoying. It seems so petty - "Yeah thanks for letting me know that I don't want to go to your school like I already told you. Let's just keep emailing that fact to each other over the next few months." I got enough real rejections, I don't need a faux one.
  8. I just got a rejection letter from a school whose interview offer I refused! How lame is that?!? Laaaaaame. The last time I refused an interview offer they withdrew my app like decent human beings... Anyone else? Man I'm annoyed.
  9. Dear Bitter R U, Don't send me a rejection letter after I tell you I don't want you. It makes you look lame. You remind me of a pathetic ex-boyfriend who yells "No, I'm leaving you!" as you close the door after dumping him, or a retarded boss who responds to your resignation with a "You can't quit, you're fired!". It's annoying Bitter R U. It's annoying and it makes you look bad. I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt because I wouldn't even interview with you. I got into Perfect Match University, and nothing you could have said would have made a lick of difference. Sure it hurts to be rejected Bitter R U. Sure it does - I know the pain too well. But I didn't email Ivy League University a week after they rejected me pretending that I withdrew my app on time. I just hung my head in shame and moved on. You should have done the same. And if you needed to have a paper trail, you could have withdrawn my app like other schools have done when rejected. Lame, Bitter R U. U R Lame. -Poiuyt
  10. Disclaimer: I think this website is frequented namely by potential grads and brand new grads. I am one of the latter. That being said, here is my advice. Though you say you like prof. X you don't seem to be giving much thought to his/her well being. If the following is true, , you should make sure not to do anything to harm X's chances. Also, if this is true , then follow your adviser's advice.
  11. I though that the point in applying to schools is to attend them so your question throws me for a loop. I guess you need to ask yourself if you want to go to school or if you spent $1000 and 3 months so you could juggle acceptance letters.
  12. Done! Done, done, done and doooooone! Seven applications sent out, seven decisions received, NO MORE WAITING! I officially accepted my perfect match program 5 minutes ago and I am dooooooone! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! Anyone else ready to climb a mountain and scream "I AM A GRAD STUDENT!!!!!!!"? Here's your online mountain!
  13. Hahahahaha! "All I want is the calculated statistical probability of my chances! Is that too much to ask???? PS. Don't forget the deviation..."
  14. Fully supporting you in this decision.
  15. poiuyt


    I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one and invite you to re-examine the exchange of which I ceased to be a participant once comments started to get pulled out of thin air and assigned to me. I am starting to think the trolling is purposeful. I've heard of students (even ESL students) memorizing extensive lists of definitions by heart in order to get a high score on the verbal. Unfortunately for those students being able to list 500 words and definitions doesn't in any way help make a cogent argument on the analytical section. That might make sense of the scores you list...
  16. poiuyt


    Calm down liszt85. Once again, I was not attacking you personally but your original post which was both insulting and misguided. You can add all kinds of clauses to it after the fact, as you are doing in every additional post, but that doesn't change to one I replied to. I clearly indicated my own snarkiness by "/snark" in my original post. This little guy -> :roll: should have been a tip off too. I do have a clue what objectively means, I was implying you don't by using your reasoning in my response to you original post. For example, it seems I have quite the better grasp of the English language than you do. Taking my words out of context does not help you prove your point, it makes me more likely to insult you in return, as I just did. Also, pretending I made comments that I didn't make: ends this conversation.
  17. poiuyt


    Thanks for that heartfelt apology. I don't know if I could have slept tonight without it... Turns out you are not the only one on this forum from a developing country but the rest of us don't seem to be quite as douchey. Good on your family spending half of their income for your apps - some people here were not as lucky. Here's the world's tiniest violin playing just for you. If your "batchmate" had your attitude that might explain why he/she wasn't accepted. Match of personality is quite important for us spoon fed types. :roll: And what would "objectively" entail? Responding in kind instead of making light of your ego trip? Implying you are some kind of an idiot for scoring less then me on verbal even though English is my second language? I mean good on you for realizing you went overboard there but don't be surprised that we made fun of you for it. It's better thank ranting and raving against you personally, we are (hopefully in a light heated way) pointing out your ideas on the GRE are misguided. And though you add all these clauses to your comments now, they were not there originally. Most of us worked hard to get our scores, hardly any of us are happy with them and we have to pay ridiculous amounts to share them with schools... We're cranky! Tread lightly...
  18. How does "violent boiling hatred" sound? I'm talking to you Berkeley! At least Stanford had the decency to reject me outright and immediately. It's called respect! R-E-S-P-E-C-T. But you??? You just sit there not sending out my rejection letter and laughing to yourself. Laughing!!!! Yooooou bastard...
  19. This definitely weighs on me... I'm in the 15-30,000 bracket even though I worked all through college, and the amount I owe grows exponentially with interest. It is especially bothersome because my SO has no debt, is about move his whole life to follow my dream and will of course be the breadwinner in the house - that makes me the lame-o. My plan is to be awesome in grad school, get a fantastic job when I graduate and then he can be a stay at home dad, and I'll be his sugar-momma.
  20. poiuyt


    Quick! Someone call ETS! They should cancel all their classes so the clearly stupid people who shouldn't bother trying to get their scores up on this easy as pie test won't waste their time! So should we or shouldn't we study for the GRE??? I'm so confused! That's it gradcafe crowd, pack up your stuff and stat applying to Mickey D's. We should clearly just bow out and make way for the superior race of engg and science majors. /snark. Seriously? Wow...
  21. Awesome!!!!
  22. http://www.cgsnet.org/Default.aspx?tabid=201
  23. I say get in touch with your POI and ask. There could just be a clerical mess up - one of my undergrad schools didn't send out my transcript as requested, and then when I requested it again they sent it to the wrong school. Finally I had to go there, pick it up and mail it myself. The Grad Division couldn't do their job without it so I had to take matters into my own hands - literately. There is no harm in asking, I'm sure they understand you could be stressed out over it - I definitely was.
  24. That's disgusting! Ok I have a new evil plan. If you get any other offer before their "deadline" just ignore the pushy school - screw them - don't let them know anything. If not, then accept (only if desperate), and then (this is where the evil plan comes in) once you get accepted by another school, report the pushy school to CGS and withdraw your acceptance, then accept the other school! I know... that's way too complicated... Man, I'm sorry this is happening to you hausdorf... You probably don't want to go to this school anyway. If this is how they treat potentials can you imagine how mean they must be to the people who are already committed.
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