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Posts posted by hermia11

  1. Anyone know about policies regarding expired test scores? ETS says scores over 5 years old are considered invalid and "expired," but they're still showing up on my score reports.

    I took the test 5 years ago to get into my MA program and they weren't terribly impressive scores - just under 600. I'd rather not have those hanging out for all to see on my reports sent to schools at which I'm applying for the PhD (I mean, presumably, I did better on the test I just took... even though I still can't identify rime royal for the life of me).

    Has anyone run into this? Any advice? I'm not seeing much of anything on the ETS site. Thanks!!

  2. As I trudge through draft #34,509,856 of my personal statement here, I can't help but add to this thread somewhat tangentially.

    While my initial drafts were "warm" and had a personal thread through them (not "I love literature!" but explaining specific gateway or lightbulb moments that led me to my subject area/wanting to teach), I'm staring at my latest draft and realizing it's concise, content-based, sharp, and... cold. Somewhere along the way, I took out all that "personal" stuff, and touched on only specific MA coursework in my subject area and teaching achievements. And I kinda like it. It says everything I wanted it to say and emphasizes my area of interest and professional work over all else.

    I realize there is no real "right" and "wrong" way to approach a personal statement, but... is the "cold" SOP really the kiss of death? Aren't we selling ourselves to the ad comms on a professional level (i.e. cover letter to a potential employer sort of thing)?

  3. That's not bad! I figure as long as my score isn't embarrassingly low (40% or something), it doesn't really have much bearing for most ad coms.

    Side note - I just took the November exam today. Anyone else take it too? I had been dreading it after reading everyone's comments on how horrifying the October test was. But I found this one to be pretty standard stuff. I did notice it was heavy on analysis - lots of passages and relatively few quickie ID questions - although I got through the whole exam and had time to revisit some questions. So I imagine this one was easier than the last one?

  4. Hi all-

    Forgive if this is a repeat post, but I'm wondering the subjects for everyone's writing samples, if anyone doesn't mind sharing!

    My subject area is a combo historical period (20th century British) and theory. So I'm trying to narrow my writing sample to something that best suits this area. I have an essay on Woolf's novelsand Helene Cixous's ecriture feminine, and another on Joyce's Ulysses and Lacanian thought. What I'm realizing is that these are dated - my theory component is smack in the middle of the 1960s/70s. Should I choose something else entirely? And what are you all writing about? Are you in modern territory, or do you find you're delving into criticism that's already happened? Am I just neurotically wondering if I'm 50 years behind the field??

  5. I just took it today too! And equally as stumped by the score ranges. I kinda think 100 points do make a difference... But I'm very curious how those ranges translate to the new scoring system.

    As for the quantitative, by all means make the ETS-issed math review packet your best friend. It's there on ETS's GRE site. As long as you know how to do basic functions (equations, inequalities, area/perimeter/etc. of shapes, data interpretation and percentages, blah blah) you should be ok. I'm not a math person at all and should have studied far harder than I did. I gave up reading through that ETS math review when I got to standard deviation. Guess what the first question was on my quantitative section today? Wahhh! :)

  6. Throwing this out to you all, although I'm hoping it's not a waste of a topic thread (sorry! I don't know how else to get this out there...).

    I saw a poster on the stats page mention that UNH only accepted 2 PhDs this year. I haven't heard yet either way... but I assume I'd know by now if I were one of those elite two. If you're out there, UNH acceptee, can I ask your field and how you found out? Many many thanks!

  7. I'm brand new to GradCafe (though I've done some anonymous lurking... although I'm not a sketchball I promise) and had a frustratingly bad app season this year.

    I'd love some advice as well, particularly on my SOP. (I've got a MA already, which I'm worrying is killing my chances since it's hard to talk convincingly about it as it's from a slightly unconventional program, Middlebury's Bread Loaf School).

    Could I jump on the wagon here and get some advice as well? Thanks all!! :)

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