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Everything posted by dayafterxmas

  1. no funding, still going. will work it out.
  2. sorry...now back to talking about KSG...
  3. It's the network of alum that helps connect new Maxwell grads to some pretty nifty employment opportunities (I mentioned it because some people are confused as to one's chances in DC after earning the MPA there). Truthfully, I grew up near DC, my dad works there with DoD people, and the Maxwell School has a great reputation in his line of work. I mean, SURE it's not Harvard, but in the public sector the Ivy name can only take you so far (this ISN'T law school!). DC is all about connections, and Maxwell has them -- trust me. Also, about the internship thing...don't sweat it.
  4. perhaps it's nervous anticipation...vomiting...losing consciousness. You know, any one of those.
  5. Still waiting, no word...wondering if they were even going to bother notifying me. I want my money back...
  6. So...tick tock tick tock...
  7. Ever heard of the Maxwell Mafia?
  8. Wait. So if last year people got accepted on the 14th, doesn't that mean, possibly, that acceptances have already gone out this year? Like, oh well, another one bites the dust?
  9. i know this...but. don't others (future employers, PhD programs) define us by our alma maters? maybe they don't. does anyone really know?
  10. i've discovered a way to take my mind off of princeton for the next three days. the twilight book series. i know, silly, right? whatever, they're easy reads and i've almost completely removed myself from reality...
  11. So...basically...if I don't get word tomorrow, then I should find a paper bag so I can hyperventilate properly, right?
  12. Anybody else freaking out as much as i am? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't focus on anything for more than a minute...I'm so screwed.
  13. I've done some online research (obsessively) on this topic and have found that the top schools post Quant expectations, not so much on the Verbal. Here's a site that interviewed the Director of WWS on what Princeton looks for in candidates for the MPA. http://www.fandm.edu/x9703 Other than that, I know that this year may be extra competitive, thanks to the craptastic economy and the Obama effect.
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