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Everything posted by pocketdictionary

  1. Anyone going? Anyone been to another graduate portfolio review day and want to share what the experience was like? I'll be attending tomorrow! Hope to see some of you there!
  2. I just found out that I'm an alternate for the Space Program residency, sponsored by the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation. Does anyone know how often people get off the waiting list? I'm guessing my chances are slim. I really want to go!
  4. Yelke, not everyone was advised to apply again. Feel good that you were in the final rounds of the selection process!
  5. Rejected. Better luck next year, right?
  6. Waiting to hear on a bunch of residencies myself. Patience, my friends! We will get through somehow!
  7. I like the Personhood installation best.
  8. This is where I'm at too. Spent some time out of school and am lacking confidence without a community of peers and mentors. I wouldn't worry if I were you, your work is strong. I'd love to read your artist statement. Is it on the tumblr and I simply missed it?
  9. Very divergent strains of work on my website, but here it is: http://www.alishamonypenny.com/portfolio.html
  10. By the way, I have done work-study in both the RISD and SAIC Office of Development. When I worked at RISD, our participation rate in the Annual Fund was 19%. SAIC's alumni participation rate in the Annual Fund is 2% ... much lower!
  11. I graduated from RISD in '09 with a BFA in Painting. The faculty overwhelming hated the previous president, Roger Mandle, as well. There was a vote of no confidence against him before Maeda took over. In my opinion, Maeda is a freaky, kooky dude who's a total narcissist, but he HAS been moving the school in a good direction. There are tons of opportunities and resources there now that I did not have access to. More fellowships, grants, scholarships, student groups, publicity, sharing of information, and social action projects for starters. The biggest problem with RISD is that people cannot afford it, honestly. A graduate degree from RISD goes much, much further than an undergraduate degree in terms of name power and networking, so there's that to consider. I'd say 85-95% of RISD alumni are way passionate about the school changing their lives for the better... but I won't deny that a lot of alumni are also bitter about the huge burden tuition can be. I personally have $50,000 worth of loans, which is low compared to some others since I was lucky enough to get a scholarship. I'm a grad student at SAIC now and I know that RISD was pivotal in preparing me for my time here.
  12. Just got my rejection email. I was super pissed. It was addressed to "Dear ," — F you, Skowhegan! For a $50 application fee you couldn't even copy and paste my name?!
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