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    Yale - Graphic Design

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  1. Thanks! I appreciate it. Congratulations on getting in! Best, E
  2. Wait listed AGAIN at Yale. Damn!
  3. Hi Mh31, I interviewed with them last year (interviewing again this year) and we were given ample time to interview and hang out work. They didn't ask for labels or an inventory... and it was very free flowing in what specifically work I wanted to talk about and they would also ask questions about work they wanted to hear about. Congrats, best of luck! I am going to be there on March 22 for an interview.
  4. Congrats, Song! That's great news.
  5. Congrats kazoo and caus!! Wishing you the best of luck. Go get it!
  6. Song, The Yale interview is very much concentrated on your physical work and materials. After looking at your portfolio, I believe you would benefit a great deal from having the physical items selected as your best work, probably around 10-12 pieces. The faculty and students were very engaged in looking at craft, materials, and holding the projects while you talk about them. Yale is a school still focused on print culture and craft, so I would say physical projects should be presented physically and digital projects digitally. Hope that helps!
  7. That is awesome! Congratulations.
  8. Thanks, fine mess! Trying to think of anything else... I just started reading John Dewey's Experience and Education... helping prep for grad school for sure.
  9. Here's some of my recommendations: The Open Work by Umberto Eco, The Plague of Fantasies by Slavoj Zizek In the Context of No Context by George W.S. Trow The Nineties: When Surface was Depth by Michael Bracewell Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino Writing Spaces: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print by Jay David Boulter Inside the White Cube by Brian O'Doherty Although of course you end up becoming yourself: a road trip with David Foster Wallace by David Lipsky
  10. Thanks so much! Congrats on UTK! Are you going to go, or waiting on other programs? Knoxville is an interesting town. I was raised here and if you dig around a bit you will meet some really amazing people. Plus, you're close to the mountains.
  11. Great! I think you will benefit from seeing the facilities, which are very nice. The people there are also very friendly and engaged.
  12. Just turned 27 at the end of January.
  13. Song, I've done the Yale interview in person last year. About 40 minutes to an hour was spent talking to the faculty/critics and going through my work... then 40 minutes was spent with two graduate students (first year and second) who also spoke to me about my work and gave me a tour of the facilities and studio area. I can say that all of these are beneficial to see in-person, but I understand the financial concerns. I'm not sure how much their decisions are weighted by having you there, but I would imagine if you sent your work by post for them to go through and did a Skype interview -- that would seem close enough to actually going. Again, just my opinion...
  14. Some of the work I've applied to Yale graphic design with is on here: http://nonthings.com I have a book project I'm finishing for the interview as well as some newer posters and vinyl record designs.
  15. Thanks everyone! Terrific! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Best of luck
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