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    PhD Public Health

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  1. So I've been in school for about 5-6 weeks. I feel like I am never ever caught up and that I never will be. It's really discouraging. To top it off, I just had an exam and missed one of the questions worth a lot of points because my mind when completely blank when I tried to do the problem. Ugh. I'm so glad to be in a school but sometimes I just want to scream from frustration! Anyone else feeling like they are drowning?
  2. Well for any program your safety schools should be the ones that you think you could get in to. You should be willing to go there if you get in (if you don't get in to your top choices), so don't apply to schools that you wouldn't be willing to attend. For my PhD, I based my selection of safety schools on admissions criteria. If they aren't listed on the website, make sure you email the program coordinator or admissions representative and ask about the average GPA and GRE scores for people admitted for the last few years. Your safety schools should be the schools where your scores and GPA fall at or above the median for admitted students at that school. Hope this is helpful
  3. B & J's is AMAZING!! I like Phish Food and the carmel flavors. If you have a Kroger near you, you should also try Graeter's Ice cream. It's made in Cincinnati and will blow your mind. The Black Raspberry Chip is the best flavor. It's a bit pricey at 4-5 dollars a pint but you can save it for a special occasion.
  4. So I've been in classes for a few weeks now. My cohort hasn't done any social outings. Is this normal? Are the first few weeks just too busy? I want to make new friends but I don't want to seem needy...
  5. I too am a big fan of reading slowly. I like to write "summary statements" in the margins or on a separate sheet of paper. Regarding volume, I've heard that the best graduate students learn to distinguish what absolutely must be read carefully and what can be skimmed. I'm hoping I learn the "magic formula" for figuring out what to read!
  6. Do any of your refrain from discussing your personal beliefs about controversial/political issues with faculty or other members of your program? I am entering grad school after working for 3 years and in my workplace, discussing these sorts of issues with co-workers was strongly discouraged. Is it the same for grad school? Obviously the coursework for some disciplines (e.g., political science, law) may warrant such discussion, but I'm wondering what the majority of grad students experience.
  7. Look for CEPH accredited programs. They at least meet a minimum set of criteria in order to get accredited.
  8. Does anyone know about the east vs west sides of Athens? I've heard such mixed reviews on each. My husband and I went to Athens a few weeks ago and generally liked the 5 points area, but found that all the places we could afford were too small. So, we branched out and looked a little further from campus, although still within 3-4 miles of campus. Both sides of town looked nice, I guess I'm just looking for opinions of folks who have lived on both sides.
  9. I would echo some of the previous responders and say that you should definitely do a thesis if there is even a slight chance that you might go on to do the PhD. Also, I found the thesis to be the most educational and rewarding part of my master's degree. Just sayin'
  10. I'm attending UGA this fall as a PhD student and would like to know more about this property. You can PM me if it's still available.
  11. How important is CEPH accreditation when choosing a PhD in public health program? I know they CEPH website says it's important, but I'm looking for a more unbiased opinion. Would you ever go to a school without it? Also, I noticed that some are accredited schools of public health and some are colleges of public health. What is the difference between school and college? Size?
  12. First of all, one of the greatest things you can do to enhance your application to a graduate program is to get research experience. Secondly, I know Indiana University does a lot of sexual health research. They are not a school of public health, but rather housed in an Allied Health Sciences department. I think you can get an MPH and PhD in Health Behavior with a concentration in sexual health. The only problem with that department is they are pretty low on funding.
  13. Yes please I need advice on dressing professionally in an oppressively hot climate! I'm a northern girl and realized I have NO professional-looking summer clothes!
  14. I applied to the PhD in Health Promotion and Behavior at UGA but haven't heard anything yet. Anyone else received admits form the School of Public Health for Fall 2011?
  15. Hazard lights
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