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Everything posted by Blackbriar

  1. So, has anyone been accepted within the last couple minutes or after 7:00 EST, or were all those accepted around 6:10 EST? Acceptances, waitlists, now rejections... or does Harvard notify in waves?
  2. I would really like to believe Fletcher, of all schools, did not do it this way. I have been very impressed with Fletcher's personalized admissions process, and would like to think that the staff would recognize that the process is stressful enough already without adding an extra level with this type of decisions-release system--especially on a Friday. While I understand the importance of notifying the top candidates immediately as the top schools fight for them and they make their decisions and plan visits, I would feel disappointed by a school I have put so much faith in if it left a few rejected applicants folders lying on the floor during the weekend as they slowly found out through blogs that they were denied. That would be almost too much. I am trusting the admissions blog--acceptance or not--that it is a mix of those who remain, and that more acceptances are coming, because the alternative is not what I would expect from what I know of Fletcher at this point. But who knows... maybe that's foolish thinking.
  3. I saw the admissions blog, but I still can't believe there have been no rejections posted. Scratch that. They are slowly coming in...
  4. Well, you could look at it this way. If, according to the admissions blog, "most" decisions have been posted, and 1800 people applied to various Fletcher programs, and an average of 25-30% were admitted, there would have to be rejections in there somewhere. I would not quantify "most" as a couple hundred admitted students, so there could be a good chance that in whatever system was used "a decision will be posted here when it is available" really does mean that Fletcher has yet to input a decision, it could be anything, waiting until Monday means nothing, and that Fletcher really has yet to get to us whatever the decision is. But, using the same thought process, you could also ask why Fletcher would notify the vast majority of accepted students and leave only a few left until Monday if "most" applicants were notified. It does seem, however, that Fletcher hit the early notification acceptances first with scholarship information and went down the line in some fashion... Sigh...
  5. Site is back up. I am assuming that if a decision is not posted that you shouldn't get your hopes up? Admissions blog says that all decisions haven't been posted, but I don't know why you would leave acceptances until Monday. Additionally, I have yet to see any rejections posted...
  6. I don't really understand fully. You are saying that within the past 24 hrs those accepted EN received an additional e-mail simply notifying you that all those who were accepted regular admission had been notified?
  7. http://news.fletcher.tufts.edu/admissions/?p=467
  8. Well, the admissions blog specifically states that there will be no work from Fletcher on the weekend relating to admissions. Maybe this is an exception and they just need to turn on a switch, like what the error message says and its a quick fix... Very frustrating, nonetheless. There is a little comfort that some were admitted by checking the site before it went down but have yet to receive an e-mail. Maybe an acceptance is waiting for us...
  9. What was the time those with congratulations e-mails from Fletcher received them?
  10. So... I have yet to receive an e-mail either way whether congratulations or just to check the Web site and I still cannot log into the application management system. I am guessing... what? Are many other people in the same position?
  11. Is Fletcher's Web site down? Anyone else trying to log in? I have yet to receive anything...
  12. Another Fletcher admit posted. This time not even an e-mail, just checking the Web site.
  13. Anyone received anything from Fletcher?!
  14. I just checked the blog. So, is it done by admit/waitlist/deny or alphabetical order or what? Because now I'm thinking "if I am one of those who doesn't receive an e-mail tonight is it because my name is toward the end of the alphabet and they haven't arrived at my decision yet going from A to Z or because I was at the bottom of the reject pile and never had a chance from the beginning..." Oh, my...
  15. Fletcher seems to be nearing the end of its admissions process (according to its admissions blog), with decisions apparently made and final documents being prepared to notify applicants. The results from last year could suggest that decisions might be coming by e-mail at the end of this upcoming week. HKS, WWS, and Fletcher all on the same day, Friday the 13th?!
  16. I have yet to receive anything from MIT (Masters). What's the deal?
  17. Anyone here apply to Yale MA IR? Think it will notify this week? The results page from previous years seems to suggest this could be a good time coming up...
  18. Anyone here apply to Yale? Think it will notify this week? The results page from previous years seems to suggest this could be a good time coming up...
  19. Now that it is March, what schools do you think will notify applicants the first week? What can we expect?! We need something!
  20. Agreed. There is some sense of freedom in trying, failing, and having the blank slate to fill again as you move on to new opportunities. It is great to have many irons in the fire, but sometimes you get to a point where all you are doing is turning them when what you really need is to take a few out (whether a rejection/acceptance) and throw a few cold ones in and see what happens. Are you waiting for MIT political science PhD, poliscidude?
  21. When does everyone expect to start hearing from the majority of IR programs?
  22. Is MIT done notifying all applicants? PhD and MS? Does anyone have insight into MIT's masters admission/notification procedures?
  23. Has anyone heard from masters programs in political science, specifically MIT? Do they usually notify at the same time as PhD applicants or before/after? The results forum is somewhat void of poli sci MA notifications...
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