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one eyed rex

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one eyed rex's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Thanks for the link.
  2. no parking
  3. budget crisis
  4. extended warranty
  5. vanilla bean
  6. white gold
  7. I don't think people are implying you're a villain - just pointing out what the appropriate etiquette is in this situation. You're wasting people's time to satisfy a "kinda" curiosity, and that's iffy at best, IMO.
  8. I agree that the weather should be a minor consideration. But I'm moving from NC to MN for my PhD, so I'm clearly trying to justify my own decision here.
  9. dummy variable
  10. I would probably not let a "slight" difference in placements weigh too heavily in the decision, esp. for a finance PhD, where the job market is not so horrid as in many other fields. If you'll be happier and more productive (and less broke) at the west coast school, that sounds like the winner to me.
  11. marital problems
  12. ideological differences
  13. love shack
  14. music appreciation
  15. funny money
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