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Everything posted by doppler

  1. Hi, My friend did apply to TAMU CS for a PhD. He was accepted with funding (something like 1600$/month, but I am not sure). This was in late February/ early March. He also got into UTAustin ECE with funding, so he will be declining the TAMU offer.
  2. Damn, damn, damn. I still haven't heard from three schools, including my top choice.
  3. Applied to: UMich (Aero), UTexasAustin, Rice, UMN twin cities, Dartmouth (Computer Science/ Computer Science and Engineering/ Computer Engineering), UPenn, Ohio State Univ, UArizona, UColoradoBoulders, UVirginia (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Got admits from Ohio State Univ, UArizona, UColoradoBoulders, UVirginia and Dartmouth. Will be attending the UVirginia for PhD- Fall 2009. (Financial aid from UVirginia: Commonwealth Fellowship for the first year worth 32.5K + tuition waiver + medical insurance)
  4. Hi, I got an admit in the electrical engineering dept (PhD) and will be attending.
  5. Can someone shed light on the crime scene? How safe is the city?
  6. As seems to be case with quite a few of my apps, Dartmouth hasn't contacted me yet. I applied for a computer engineering concentration (PhD). Did any of you apply to this place? Have any of you got any decisions (irrespective of research concentration)?
  7. Well? Any updates? Anybody? I mailed the *Graduate Student Services Coordinator* and I got this reply: Hi Xyz, All decision should be finalized by April 15. Take care, I know I missed the first bus, and probably the second one too, but what do you guys think? Do I have a chance? I ask this because I see people getting rejected, and I know people are also getting accepted, but I'm out in the limbo. Is there even a semblance of hope for me, (and some others who haven't heard yet)? On a side note, a similar thing happened with Rice (CS) and UTAustin (CS). I waited, and waited, and waited... and finally got rejected by both schools Best of luck to all of us.
  8. Waiting for UMich Aero (my dream school)...waiting for funding info from 3 schools....especially the waiting for funding is driving me crazy.
  9. Thanks a ton for your inputs.
  10. With one funded offer and several unfunded offers (with promises of funds being allocated *in the next week*, i.e. 6th to 10th), I am starting to get a bit desperate. So I'd be grateful if you all can help me on a few issues. #1. 10th is a holiday, and so is 13th, I believe. (I live in India, so I haven't got a lot of ideas about US holidays; please correct me if I am wrong). Am I right in assuming that whatever offers are going to come before the 15th, will reach me by the 9th? #2. Is it all right to accept an offer by sending a signed and scanned copy of the offer in an e-mail? Or should I fax or post? (The university that funded me sent me the funded offer by post after indicating the decision via e-mail) If I post, it will take at least 3 days for the stuff to reach US from India: I will use DHL. So even if I send it on 10th, it's cutting it quite fine I think. #3. Suppose I get really desperate, and send in the acceptance to school A on the 8th, and school B (which i prefer over school A) gives an offer on the 9th. Can I then decline school A before the 15th, and not need a *release* from school A? I think that the acceptance/ declination of offers is handled by some high-ranking person, and not the guy who reads the e-mail or receives the fax. So the matter will take a few days time at least, and accepting an offer and then declining *just* before the 15th is as good (rather as bad) as declining after the 15th. Any suggestions/ideas are welcome.
  11. If I don't get full funding, I don't go. That's why I requested comments *assuming* that I am funded. If I do get funded, it will be a TA. I applied for PhD by the way. Now I know, I should have posted this next week or so, when I have the complete picture, but I thought it might be too late by then to seek opinions. Thanks.
  12. Here is a dilemma I'm facing, so I thought I'd share and seek some help. I have to decide between 3 schools, the aid situation is not very clear yet in schools B and C (will have the complete picture by next week). But please post assuming that I'll get the aid (If I don't, I won't go there anyway). School A: I have been selected for a fellowship for the first year. School A is ranked around #35 in my field (electrical). In the fellowship letter, they mentioned that this fellowship (the one I got) is the most prestigious fellowship for engineering students, and 1% of the incoming students get it. this fellowship will not be renewed. So from the second year onwards, I'll have to get a TA or RA. There is one very big-shot professor in this school, who - I believe- is willing to be my research adviser. Oh, BTW, he replies to my e-mails quite enthusiastically, and I think I will like working with him. Other than that, as a whole, the research group I seek to join is of a bit lower standard than those in schools B and C. School B: Large state school, ranked around 25. Good research group on the whole, though there's no one big name. (Possible TA) School C: Ivy league, ranked around 25. Good research group on the whole, though there's no one big name. The potential research group in involved in a project in which some very big schools are part of. (Possible TA) My gut feeling is School C > (School A = School . I'd like some opinion on whether the fellowship in school A would offset the potential advantages of an Ivy league. I have heard that the fellowship will adorn (if that's the right word) my resume for the rest of my life. Is it that important? Thanks for any comments.
  13. That is very kind, but I guess that if anyone was being considered/ nominated for fellowship, OSU would have let him know beforehand. So one way or the other, if I haven't heard anything so far (and I haven't), I believe I'm out of running.
  14. Thanks a lot space_invaders. .....Keeping fingers crossed......
  15. Anyone received decisions yet?
  16. Anyone received decisions from UPenn's Electrical and Systems Engg department? I applied for a PhD.
  17. Anyone received any funding information (PhD)? I found only 1 result on the board: "I have been awarded a university fellowship for the first year and funding through possible RA or TA positions for the next 1.5 year. That sounds great........." (21st March) It seems really crazy, they accepted (me at least) as early as 15th January, and I am yet to receive any funding decision. What seems equally crazy, I am sitting on 4 offers, only 1 (so far) funded.
  18. Anybody applied to UMichigan's (Ann Arbor) Aerospace Engg program? I applied for a PhD.
  19. I posted this in the Engineering forum, but got no replies. I apologize if you are reading the same thing twice over. How does the electrical and systems engg dept in UPenn compare with the electrical and computer engg depts of OSU, UArizona, UVirginia, UColorado-Boulders? My area of interest is control engineering, robotics, and AI applications in these two and realted fields. I got admission in all of these schools except UPenn. (UPenn results are not out yet.) I have no interest in Wharton though, so that's not a factor. How do OSU, UArizona, UVirginia, UColorado-Boulders compare with each other? Perhaps it's pertinent to mention that I will *probably* get aid (TA) from UColorado-Boulders, and have been selected for a fellowship (first year) at UVa. I don't think I'll get any aid from UArizona. My gut feeling is that UArizona, UVirginia, UColorado-Boulders are on the same tier, with OSU a bit higher. UPenn, of course, is an Ivy, but its engineering rankings are at par with the other schools.
  20. @ Ivan3749: Thanks.
  21. @ Ivan3749: Actually I applied to the ECE dept in UVirginia, so it may not be relevant. Anyway, initially they offered me 13K TA/RA (didnot specify which one) for 9 months. A couple of days back, I received a mail that I will be receiving a 30K fellowship for the first year. I haven't received the official fellowship letter yet. I am not sure if the fellowship is concurrent with the assistantship position; I am waiting for the actual letter.
  22. Is there anybody who applied for a PhD (Rice) and is still waiting? I wonder if they would let us know before April 15th. I got a fellowship in the Univ of Virginia, and I am not sure I can hold on to it after April 15. @ Ryko212. Congratulations. Did you get any financial aid?
  23. Congrats Smilee on your admit. I guess there isn't much chance of getting a PhD admission this late though (applied for a PhD there).
  24. A few accepts have been posted on the results page.
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