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Posts posted by boneh3ad

  1. Alright, I suspect I am no alone in this situation. I have been admitted to several schools so far, so over my spring break next week, I plan to jetset around to as many as I can squeeze in so that I can get a feel for my top choices before that April 15 deadline. Some schools, like Ga Tech, have a set routine that they do for admitted grad students, so they already have my visit mostly planned out. However, some schools, like Texas A&M, put the onus on me. I have a tour set up and such, but I need to contact professors and set up the rest on my own it seems. Can anyone offer some advice as far as what to do while I am there and what sort of things to ask professors? I got guaranteed a TA or RA position, so its not like I have to go fishing for them, I just need to meet some professors that I am interested in as far as I can tell. The problem is, I have no idea how that meeting should go.

  2. Well I emailed Berkeley about a slightly related issue, and while they didn't exactly answer my original question, they did manage to tell me that all ME admissions decisions will be made by March 27th, so for those of us still waiting, we have 9ish days left before we are guaranteed to have been accepted or not.

  3. I need some advice from fellow engineers since our depts might be different than others.

    I have about a week and a half before spring break, over which I would like to visit as many of the schools as I can, but there are still 6 schools that I haven't even heard from. Is it considered ok to email them and just say "hey how far along are you guys? I was wanting to take a visit but don't know whether to plan one or not." or something like that?

    I am really getting stressed out with trying to plan these trips and also keep all my school work in order, so I need some advice...

  4. Has anyone in Mechanical Engineering heard from Berkeley at all? I know this question was asked in the Mechanical Engineering thread, but I wanted to "unbury" it so that it was more visible. I haven't heard a peep since I got the automated email saying that they had all my application parts.

  5. It's interesting that everyone has assumed that the best thing would be to expand to graduate student life, without considering whether that has ever been the intent or purpose of the site.

    For the record, my first post (or was it second...) said something along the lines of "..., if the plan actually is to expand to graduate school in general rather than just admissions."

    On top of that, I think it is actually a good thing that people are interested in expanding your site. That means you have created a site that has developed quite a following and a group of people that would be more than happy to continue patronizing it. In addition, you seem to have Google adsense on your front page, so wouldn't expanding the site lead to more traffic, and thus more revenue anyway?

  6. What about if, under the existing format, under the "Applied Sciences & Mathematics" forum, have two subforums, one for admissions, and one for everything else. Then follow suit with all of the similar categories.

  7. belowthree, a lot of those are already under "Officially Grads", if you read the description on the main page.

    I guess the point I am making is that the suggestions made by belowthree might be something that could be expanded into separate sections. As it is, the site has almost all sections for "current grad students" within a few small subforums. Meanwhile, all of the application-related material is spread out and organized. While that makes sense given that the current purpose of the site is primarily graduate admissions, it may not be a bad idea to expand those aspects of graduate life into their own separate forums and section. That is, if you guys are actually looking to broaden the aim of the site.

    I know that if it was broadened to cover current graduate students, I would most definitely stick around.

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