In Winnipeg, and letter arrived yesterday (May 2) and won a reg SSHRC for two years. CV was strong, two other major awards, one peer reviewed pub and numerous other reviewed pubs. Lots of conference presentations including national and one international. GPA 4.17, and final score of 21.7/30 applied to the education/humanities group.
Funny thing, for those who get kicked in the teeth by SSHRC, last year with a very similar proposal I scored 11.9/30:( My advisor tells me over and over that the committee scoring your proposal matter more than all the pubs/referees/etc. If they "like" your angle/methodology/conservativeness, then you win. If not, you lose. Try not to take it to heart if you don't win. It doesn't mean your work and proposal aren't excellent; it means the oddly compiled committee didn't get it. Try again next year (it took me three attempts). Happy travels, everyone.