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Everything posted by Fell4Ever

  1. In discussion with one of my Professors as well as a bit of internet wandering, I think GPA isn't super important interms of getting admitted, but is rather used for ordering potential candidates. What I mean is, they will look at a 3.5GPA student in comparison to maybe a 3.4-3.5GPA range and say 'which of these applicants is really good based on LoR, Personal Statement, and so on'. If you are really afraid that your GPA will bring you down (and a 3.5 is very respectable), just bang out a very good Personal Statement and take your LoR teachers out to dinner to beggggggg for awesome letters ;; -Ganbatte
  2. Thank you for the reply It made me so happy since (no offense) you had it much worse! I read on another post that you should ask (or at least give a heads up) in August, so I'm def. planning on doing that. I am now asking my mentor, that one lone professor I mentioned who I was afraid to ask, and than I MIGHT ask that one Professor who I mentioned I have a semi-relationship with. He got fired.....haha. He had worked at the school for 24 years, but was fired this June (school claims personal reasons, he claims they got tired of his criticism against the current administration XD). I do not know how it will look to get a LoR from a fired professor, but I think this guy's passion, if anything, would spice up the Letter he writes me. I am from New Jersey, but I only attended a CC here for one semester + summer courses. I attended the U. of Vermont until I was priced out, and now attend Temple University, Japan Campus planning on graduating this Fall. Nothing against the NJ educational system, but I didn't want to go to college with the same people from high school. You've been oh so helpful. (I edited your 'quote' so that it wouldn't take up so much space by randomally deleting words!)
  3. Hi! I've been a long time stalker of this site but this is my first post. I'm still in Undergrad, I plan on graduating this Fall (December...ish) and will begin applying for Fall 2012 programs shortly. No one in my family has gone to college let alone Graduate School, so I didn't know how much effort went into the application process until recently!!! In terms of LoR, has anyone been in the situation before where you didn't have enough Professors? I've been to three schools because of financial reasons, but have finished 3 semesters at my most recent school and will finish my forth when I graduate. I have 2 LoR contacts ready (I will ask in August), but I don't have a third. My first professor is my undergraduate research mentor, and I was the only student who spoke up in the small 5 person class, so I know she'll right me a really good one. My second professor I only had once, but again I was the only student who spoke in the class, and occasionally we e-mail, so I feel he will be willing to write me a good one. But besides that, I've never had a repeat Professor!!! There is one teacher who's class I did really well in, and we talked a bit when we went on a Yakuza tour through Tokyo one day with the class, but I've never e-mailed him outside of class, never talked to him outside of class, and I don't really know what to do! I already know my GRE scores will be sub-par (guess who hasn't started studying yet but is taking them in August!!!), so I want my LoR to be really strong. Anyone have any similar stories?
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