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Status Replies posted by dimanche0829

  1. Last application due tomorrow- guess I'm almost done!

  2. Oh crap. I've procrastinated too long. Now it's due.

    1. dimanche0829


      Stupid deadlines; they get in the way of all the fun! Hope you were able to finish whatever you needed to!

  3. Feeling defeated at the moment.

    1. dimanche0829


      I just wish time wasn't so constant and inflexible; so free of digression.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Just realized we're all dying. Whoa, bummer.

    1. dimanche0829


      I've been dying since the day I was born...and even then I was already dying.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Just got an email that my paper proposal was accepted!

  6. Where is everyone? Am I the only one dragging my feet on these applications?

    1. dimanche0829


      I'm dragging my feet all the way to next year's app season.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Dear time: if you could just slow down a little, I'd be much obliged. Thankee kindly, good sir. Dutifully yours, Jen

  8. Doh! Realized I made some minor errors on my SOP and it is already submitted. $&8!

    1. dimanche0829


      There's no such thing as a perfect SOP, so I think you'll be OK :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. OMG SOP BREAKTHROUGH!!!! Spending all of Friday night cranking this shit out...at least until the party in my basement begins. Hahaha

    1. dimanche0829


      Yay! Feel free to work on mine while you're at it!

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