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  • Gender
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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Program
    MFA Sculpture

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  1. Thanks you!! "Device" was made as part of an iron pour residency, it was really fun to see who knew what it was
  2. www.graceleelawrence.com A little sculpture for your Friday
  3. Yep, I was interviewed on March 14th and notified of my acceptance about a week and a half later. Hope that helps!
  4. I would have made sure to visit every school in person before applying. I applied to some places that I now couldn't see myself... Important knowledge that I should have known sooner!
  5. In terms of reputation vs. funding vs. domestic vs. abroad
  6. Thanks for the thoughts guys. SUNY Purchase vs. GSA is tough.
  7. I'm a sculptor working primarily in steel trying to decide between these three schools. I also got in to SFAI but funding wasn't working out the way I would have liked. UNC-CH is offering a really good deal plus a stipend, SUNY Purchase is offering a good deal (almost 100%), and Glasgow doesn't let you know about funding until after you say yes. Glasgow would be great but their metal shop is only open one day a week. I am concerned about the program reputations of UNC and SUNY P... although they are good programs they were not what I was planning on. Any thoughts? Should I wait and apply again next year? I'm at a stalemate and have thought myself into a knot.
  8. Hello out there, I've been accepted into the MFA program at Glasgow School of Art but have pretty much only had their website for info. Does anyone have some knowledge to share? Understanding of how the degree is accepted in the US? Know anyone who has been there? Any info would be very very very much appreciated. Thanks!!!
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-chafin/mfa-is-it-necessary-the-d_b_895753.html more articles on the same topic http://brooklyndays.blogspot.com/2006/01/why-i-do-not-have-mfa.html
  10. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. That helps a lot. About how long were your sessions with each school? Did you bring physical images of your work or a computer to show images?
  11. Hey everybody! What are you all thinking about statements? Focused on your work or your process? General statements or specifically referring to particular pieces? There seem to be a lot of different ways to go.
  12. Hey everybody! I'm applying for an MFA in Sculpture starting Fall of 2012 and would love to hear some thoughts about my work and where you think it would fit. graceleelawrence.com At present I'm thinking about the following schools: VCU Carnegie Mellon MICA Columbia Maybe Yale? Any suggestions for back up schools? I'm trying to stay near the east coast but will go wherever works out best. Thanks!
  13. Hey Childofcalamity, I submitted 20 images of 12 pieces in total (8 detail shots included as well) to MICA's online review. I chose to add detail shots on the sculptures that needed more explanation, etc. I think that the "Please note that a separate application and portfolio must be uploaded by January 15th, 2012 for application review" means that you will have to fill out the Slideroom page again but you can use the same work. It would be silly for them to look at the work for the review and then expect a completely different one for the application. Awesome, I can't wait for NY!!! Do you know how these things work? I was planning on bringing a hard copy (printed images) as well as my computer with images.
  14. Yeah! I just did the MICA online review and now I'm trying my best to get to New York on Oct 29th. I'll let you all know how it goes.
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