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Posts posted by Veilside1

  1. Just noticed the Yale (Ancient History) rejection on the results page. Curious if this is an app for ancient history via the History or Classics Department.... Anyone here know anything?

  2. Good night, gradcafe-ers! I think everyone should get rested up because the next week will be crazy...

    I sure hope so, it's been 17 days since I've heard anything. I can't take too many more days of my inbox filled with "unimportant" messages. Let's all keep our fingers crossed!! I'm hoping for UNC this week; I called and spoke with the Department there (anonymously) on Friday, and was told that "this year decisions will be going out in spurts all the way through March, and there won't be a big day when they all do, so don't be discouraged if they haven't emailed you yet."

  3. What's the consensus on visiting a school that you probably won't attend? Waste of their time and resources, or an opportunity to network with others in your field at a different school? Under some pressure by my profs to visit a certain school before declining the offer, they seem to believe that you should *always* go to visits so you know what you're turning down. I defer to the Grad Cafe...

    I'd say that if you're sure you don't want the school and feel real confident for another one of your choices, pass it up. Let the school in question get in touch with someone on their waitlist so that they can go visit. From what I remember Harvard is your #1 and the school that you are questioning visiting is Princeton right?

    As far as the whole networking thing goes, I'd think that you'd be better served in making connections with faculty at Princeton at conferences and the like and you'd probably feel a bit awkward in having discussions with the profs there about the potential of you attending.

    I will say though, if Harvard meets after Princeton it might not be bad to go visit Princeton. I say that because what if you to visit Harvard and the profs there are kinda douchey, or you get a real bad feeling? Then you might regret passing up the visit to Princeton.

    Sorry... I don't think that this was much help. But if you're sure you don't want any program I'd say follow your gut, not your advising professor, and pass up the visit.

  4. I don't have an MA!

    Veilside, I'm sorry you're having a rough waiting period. I understand, I really do! My husband got all rejections last year for his field, except for an unfunded state school. We didn't accept that offer-- he reapplied, and I decided to apply, too. Everyone is having their struggles in this process, Even though we're not in your exact situation, you can take comfort in knowing that we all have challenges of a sort, and that everyone here supports you.

    Thanks! It's a tough process to go through, and it's not over yet. I think once some final and official word starts coming back in my mood will lighten.

  5. Vehemens,

    I know, and I don't mean to come off as ungrateful. I probably should keep my OCD, neuroticism, and pessimism to myself. Also, it might be worthwhile to mention that this is time #3 applying to PhD programs for me. Once after my BA (all rejections), again after completing UPenn's post-bacc program (accepted to 3 MA programs, and wait-listed at the 1 PhD program I applied to), then after two years in the MA here I am applying again and so far it's not too fruitful. I guess my frustration is due more to this being my third round than anything else. I am sorry that things haven't been too positive for you yet, and trust me, I know what you're going through... Thanks though for pointing out that I should be more grateful than I am.

  6. Well, since I've applied to 14 programs and a good bunch of them have already sent out acceptances (from which I think it's logical to assume that those that have not said word to anyone--Harvard and Princeton--will also not offer me admittance) I am wholly disheartened about the whole process. I was really happy about Buffalo, but as more and more people hear from schools which I applied to and as more days go on without any word, my pessimism gets the gets the best of me. I love classics, and want to continue on, but it's hard, I guess, to maintain confidence in your abilities when you're getting turned down everywhere. I never expected to get in to all programs, but I at least want to be able to have a few choices.

    I think it's the lack of word that's been more disheartening than anything. Which hopefully will end soon, and hopefully one of 100 times I check my email each day something will be there.

  7. Two weeks straight now of nothing, amidst 7 of the programs which I applied to sending out invites and acceptances... Time to throw in the towel I think and stop kidding myself. This really sucks.

  8. This is starting out to be a slow week for Classics. I think that the first pop of acceptances came out over the last few weeks, and the others will begin to notify later this week.

    So, to keep things going and to keep this thread alive, what programs are people still waiting to hear from???

  9. Actually my Michigan app was for Classical Studies. I have a kind of random assortment of applications. Hope that means there is still hope for you for IPGRH!!

    Thanks! Actually there are already a few people who've received rejections from IPGRH, but they have yet to accept anyone. I find this odd, since they only have 27 applications and those that were rejected found out about 10 days ago...

  10. Anyone here want to claim the rejection to Princeton with an emphasis on Ancient History?

    If you'd rather not announce this publically feel free to send me a message. I've also applied for Ancient History at Princeton, PAW (Program in the Ancient World), via through the Classics department. Was your application to PAW through History or Classics? If you also applied through Classics, then I perhaps still have a very narrow chance of divine intervention bringing me an acceptance from Princeton. Any info would be great, as I've been sitting on a lone acceptance to SUNY-Buffalo for two weeks now with no other word, and I'm beginning to have quite heavy doubts about my chances of getting in to any other program.... perhaps this feeling is normal PhD applicant nerves, but two dry weeks of no news does a number on your confidence.

  11. Someone want to claim the UPenn Ancient History acceptance? Congrats by the way!

    Also there's a rejection on the results page for Ancient History at Princeton. Just curious if that person applied to their PAW program via the History or Classics Department.

  12. Congrats Aeneas!! And by the way, I'm at UArizona now if you ever feel like messaging me some questions. I know that apps have not yet been reviewed here and likely won't be until the later portion of February. The deadline is Feb 15, and I wouldn't expect to hear word until about the first week of March.

  13. I can't believe that here it is Friday, 3:18 pm EST, and this week has passed with no word from any of my remaining 12 programs... It looks like another long weekend is ahead of waiting till Monday morning.

    I find it very odd that for the past few weeks I've dreaded the weekend and looked forward to Monday. :huh:

  14. I heard about IPGRH last week. Someone else I know still hasn't heard anything so I am guessing that no news is good news at this point! That would be a super program and is suppose to have really cohesive cohorts! Good luck!!

    I actually applied to the Joint Program through History rather than Classics. I hope that means that there is still hope for you via Classics!


    This week has been filled with no news for me, but this is twice now that you have given me hope for two of the programs that I really want, and that I'm still waiting to hear from. If I ever see you in person, I owe you a beer!

    I am dissapointed that I never heard back from Chicago though, although maybe I'll be waitlisted there, who knows. You can't ever count a school out until they officially reject you, so we'll see.

  15. Well U-Chicago seems to have notified all of its accepted applicants, which apparently does not include me... With this all in mind, does anyone here know if Chicago typically waitlists? And if so, do they notify or keep you hanging which some programs appear to do?

    Congrats, however, to all who had a wonderful day filled with great news!! Hopefully such a day visits us all soon.

  16. Attia,

    Was your app to Brown to the Classics or History Department? The gist I got from your post earlier was that you applied to the Joint Ancieny History PhD program via Classics, just curious though. Looking for any strands of hope.

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