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  1. I'm still on the waitlist at a school I'd very much like to attend, but I'm starting to think about a second round of applications in case it comes to that. I know that the SOP and writing sample are way more important than the GRE lit score, but I'm planning to take the test again because it won't hurt to have a higher score. I scored in the 79th percentile the first time around. For anyone who's done better than that, did you find the Princeton Review book and Vade Mecum helpful? I've heard from many who have scored in the 90th + percentile that the test has changed drastically in the last few years and that there aren't really any resources out there with accurate prep information. Besides doing your best to memorize the Norton Anthology, has anyone found good resources/strategies that match the current exam?
  2. I was very impressed. Everyone, including current grad students and faculty, seemed pretty down-to-earth. It seems like a rigorous but supportive program. I'm hoping to get off the waitlist for the PhD program there, because I think it would be a great fit. I grew up just outside of Boston, so I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about the area or my impressions from the open house. Hopefully we'll be working together next year!
  3. Did you attend the open house at BU last week? I was wondering if there were any other Grad Cafers there!
  4. I'm waitlisted at BU, and they've been extremely helpful in answering all of my questions. I've had several conversations with the DGS, my POI, and current grad students. I also asked permission to sit in on a graduate seminar to see what it was like, and everyone involved was very nice about that, too. I would definitely encourage fellow waitlisters to reach out to anyone who might be able to answer your questions. BU actually invited waitlisters to their open house, so they might be more accommodating than other programs, but I think you certainly have the right to put your questions out there.
  5. Thanks, I appreciate the update. And good luck with the fulbright!
  6. If anyone happens to turn down an offer from BU, would you mind posting it here? I'm also dying to get off the wait list!! I assume people won't make their decisions until after the open house next week (and I don't blame you -- I wouldn't either), but please share if you know that a spot will be opening up Thanks!
  7. Thanks, JMA310 and Aubergine! And congrats on Brown!
  8. Not weird at all! I got into Harvard Divinity last year and decided not to go. It felt kind of good to turn down Harvard, but I definitely didn't appreciate that acceptance as much as I would after this grueling process!
  9. Thanks for sharing! Could you throw out a few funded MA programs if you know them off the top of your head? I didn't research a huge number of programs, but I only came across unfunded MAs. Is this something they advertise on the websites, or do you have to look into fellowships available and things like that?
  10. Has anyone called to see when they'll finish sending out notifications? I'm counting as a rejection, but I'd still like to know...
  11. I was surprised to find a lot more people who have or are working toward an MA on this forum than I'd expected. I had the impression that it was much more common now to go straight through in an MA/PhD program, but maybe that's not the case. If you have an MA or are currently in a program and are applying to PhD programs now, would you mind sharing a little about your story? Did you plan to do the MA and then reapply, or is that just the way it turned out? Is there funding out there for MA programs? Just curious, as I hadn't considered this option for financial reasons. Thanks!
  12. My last name starts with B, so I would have received my answer earlier if that had been the method. A current grad student there told me that they're not finished making selections/notifying candidates yet. Don't know how accurate/up-to-date this information is, but there is still some hope if you haven't heard.
  13. Got my rejection this morning as well. It's strange...they seem to send out a handful around 1:00 AM each day. Good luck to those still waiting to hear!
  14. I haven't heard anything either, and my account status hasn't changed. Every day I think, "today has to be the day." How long can they drag it out??
  15. Thanks for sharing! Maybe I'll see you at the open house.
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