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    2013 Fall
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  1. This is accurate. In big cities like Toronto the market is way over saturated and the most you can hope for is a part-time job filling in while another SLP is on maternity leave. I would take this into serious consideration. I also want to mention that please please please talk to former graduates and current students before deciding on a University. I'm currently studying at one where the placements have been limited, the learning experiences during placement generally terrible, and the teaching of very important classes has been done quite poorly (especially important if you're coming from out of field).
  2. Just got an acceptance letter from UofA. Check your email! ETA: It's a comparatively casual email directly from the administrative coordinator (not Noriko). It says I have until April 16th to decide.
  3. Was anyone able to attend to the UofT open house today? Work prevented me from attending virtually. I'd love a run down of the most interesting stuff!
  4. I really appreciate the wealth of information being provided on UWO and UofT. Thank you guys! This thread got meta-useful in the last few days.
  5. These sound like my stats, minus the linguistics/psych research or participation in student societies...I'm surprised you were waitlisted at UofT and Western...
  6. I still haven't heard from them...From the stats you posted earlier, YOUR application is one of the most competitive on the board. I have no doubt you'll be accepted at U of A, but I understand how nerve racking the wait is, especially at this point. I'm guessing they are having difficulties finding opportunities to meet and discuss the applications, but I'm sure that explanation doesn't help too much
  7. I'm going to chime in as another Montrealer who attended McGill for Undergrad. McGill has an awesome reputation in the USA, but it's international reputation should not be a deciding factor, especially if you're planning on staying in Canada. All the schools in Canada are great and will get you where you need to go. I will say that McGill has the fewest number of internship hours for SLP (the pdf Inny linked to earlier has that information for all the schools) and that it important. When I first began researching SLP programs, a friend put me in touch with an SLP (graduated from McGill several years ago) who said she found that McGill graduates were the least prepared for the job, at least initially. She actually suggested I attend University of Alberta as she found that graduates from there were more experienced. Another SLP (graduated a few years ago) told me it's best to go to school in the location you're planning on staying and working. She said that the internships and faculty were essential for networking and finding a job later on.
  8. This sucks! Hope you hear from them soon!
  9. I've decided on UofT..inbox me if anyone needs a roommate!
  10. Thanks Inny! Appreciate that you're sharing your legwork
  11. Has anyone figured out what tuition for UofT is? I found their estimated costs per year, but not the actual tuition fee. This pdf: http://www.fees.utoronto.ca/Assets/Student+Accounts+Digital+Assets/schedules/sgs+dom/12_13_sgs_dom_fees.pdf doesn't include the spring/summer semesters either. I don't know if they're not being transparent, or if I can't navigate their website.
  12. Got into UofT as well. I'm going to have a very tough decision to make if I get into U of Alberta (In a relationship with a west coaster, so going to UofA would bring us closer than my current location, but still not in the same city), and U of T (I will have friends, potentially better quality of life). This most certainly means a spot will open up at UWO for waitlisters. I didn't expect to have options! Does anyone have any information regarding the quality of the U of T and Alberta programs (all I know is that Alberta has way more internship hours) and the "quality of life" of the people in them?
  13. In at Western! Oh the relief!!
  14. Huh. I wish my French was better, seems like it's impossible NOT to get into SLP if you're francophone and applied to all the french schools. McGill vs Toronto - If finances are an issue, living in Montreal is VERY cheap. Wish I had your confidence haha. I know what you mean! Now that's is so close, I don't want to know in case it's bad news. Kind of feel like we're going in blind; wish we had an idea of past admission averages. I'm also a bit concerned my personal statement isn't that great...
  15. Thanks for letting us now! Eurgh, I don't know how I'm going to last the entire long weekend.
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