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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United States
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Literature MA/PhD

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  1. Hi there, fellow English nerds! Anyone planning on going to ACLA in Seattle in a couple of weeks? I am, and I'm also looking for a roommate (preferably anyone who identifies as female). Hotel rooms are too damn expensive, so let's double up. Also, if any of you are presenting papers, feel free to post here, support and solidarity is promised! Mine is in Allegory and Political Representation.
  2. Hey guys, Anybody have any word on UPenn? One anonymous admit and then...silence. Is anyone else chalking it up to implied rejection, or do we still have hope? I have a few other offers, but Penn is my top choice... and a girl can dream, right?!
  3. Hiphop- You're totally right. I thought of that, but I think it's just more psychologically intimidating to be done with the MA and then applying rather than in the MA and applying. Either way, it's tough. I think at Boston, I will get more attention and form better relationships. All of the faculty seemed so ready to take you under their wing (wings?). Who needs NRC rankings, anyway!
  4. transcendental- Guilty as charged. If people who have gone through the MA think it's possible to get something out of a one year program, then I will go ahead and do it. UI Chicago just seems to be a big name with not a lot of substance. Not really sure how that's possible, but that's the feeling I have. I'm also fully prepared to take a year off afterwards; right now, I'm planning to finish the bulk of my apps in early August- September and then get some perspective on my first world problems I really want to do some hard-core social service while I have the chance.
  5. Thanks, hiphop Statelyplump- That's very encouraging to hear (about the letter from your faculty member). I know that BU is going to be intense; they made that very clear at the open house. I am partly excited and partly terrified. I figure that if in my last semester of undergrad I took 18 credits of 400+ level courses, studied and took my lit GRE, and applied to 11 schools, I can handle BU's workload. *Fingers crossed* Thank you for your 2 cents. Every piece of advice helps!
  6. transcendental- BU does seem friendlier, and they do have a lot of people that I want to work with. UIC has two people on the faculty that I could see myself working on a thesis with; it's not like there isn't anyone at all. My undergraduate advisor seems to think that to improve your application in a masters you should have detailed letters from faculty (which I'm more likely to obtain over two years), and that it's difficult to make relationships with faculty in a year. He also thinks a thesis is a necessary part of improving my application... Hiphop- I had an funded offer from an unranked school, but fit was nonexistent there. I'm lucky in that I will not be accruing any debt from this degree. I am extremely thankful for that. To be honest, I really do want to go to BU, but I'm just afraid of how the "negative" aspects (no thesis, one year, etc.) will affect me in the long run.
  7. Hello All. I posted a few weeks ago about deciding between BU or UIC unfunded masters programs. Initially, I thought that UICs high ranking and lower tuition would beat BU hands down. I have a few more considerations now, and still no decision: 1) UIC is much higher ranked according to the NRC rankings. I don't know how important these rankings are in "climbing the ladder" to a high ranked ph.D program. 2) UIC has a thesis option, but BU does not (it's a one year program). How important is a thesis in applying? I already know that I'll have to apply the year after I finished my masters if I attended BU. 3) UIC is 8 classes, HALF of which are required classes that are 400 level and open to undergraduates. This was a major red flag to me, but I'm still not sure as to how negatively this is viewed. 4) UIC has said in an email that they have "virtually no support" for 20th century American literature (my area of interest). BU has plenty of people working in 20th century American literature, and many resources for my theoretical interests. So fit is much better here. I visited BU and loved it. The academic community seemed wonderful. UIC has not invited me to visit; however, I have been to Chicago several times and liked the city. Cost-wise, they both end up being the same (even though Chicago is 2 years and Boston is one). HELP please. I am under pressure to make a decision!
  8. riks90

    Chicago, IL

    Hi everyone- I just wanted some more information before I made my final decision. I'm deciding between BU and UIC's unfunded MA programs. I went to the BU open house and LOVED it... but UIC is higher ranked, cheaper, and not in its first year of the terminal masters. Recent graduates have gotten into top 20 Ph.D programs. Before I give them my decision, I thought I'd ask everyone on the forums if they know anyone who has been through the UIC MA program. Any personal experiences with the English department in general? The graduate coordinator is not giving me as much information as I need. In fact, the department seems much less friendly than BU. How much does that matter, if at all? Anything at all would be helpful; I don't want to make the wrong choice!
  9. I'm at the BU open house tomorrow (today, if you want to get technical). The MA program is in it's first year, so they have no data on placement. You do take the same classes as MA/Ph.D students... Then again, UIC said they haven't been following up on MA student placements until recently. I'm not sure which is worse to be honest.
  10. jma- UIC is cheaper for 2 years. Out of state tuition is around 7.5k per semester, times four semesters. BU is over 40k for two semesters. Also, I agree with you on the one year MA not being conducive to the next application season. I was excited about it initially, but then when I got the UIC offer, it seemed like a better deal. I was just hoping someone knew about it (maybe knew someone who attended the program or knew someone who had).
  11. Hi friends, I am pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place right now (or at least I think so). I've been admitted into two unfunded masters programs: UIC and BU. Being fully aware of all of the negative financial consequences of the unfunded masters, I'd just like to ask what people know about the UIC masters program. I am going to visit BU this weekend, so I figure that I'll get a pretty good idea of the atmosphere. Here are some potential factors in my decision making process: 1. UIC is ranked between 5-24 and BU is ranked 65-78 on the NRC rankings. Do these matter as much as I think they do? 2. BU is in its first year of the masters program, so they don't have any data on Ph.D placement. Is this a sign to steer clear? 3. UIC is a two year program with a thesis option. BU is one year with no thesis. 4. UIC is going to cost around 10k less than BU for tuition. 5. Fit is pretty much the same for both places (not my top choice, but not too shabby either). 6. My SO is going to be in medical residency in Chicago (an important reason, but not something that will make my decision absolutely). On paper it seems like a no-brainer. I cannot find anything on the forums about UIC's MA program... Help?!
  12. Is it crazy to be considering an unfunded masters at BU over funded at Wake Forest? Fit is wayyy better at BU, but I am really at a loss for a decision after everything I have read on these boards.
  13. Anyone else on here get accepted to the Masters and is thinking of turning it down? I'm on the waitlist and anxious.
  14. Rejected as well. My last hope for a doctoral program.
  15. spasticlitotes: I am coping by convincing myself that Boston is a way better city than New York... *sob* What is even more worrisome is the fact that I haven't heard from Boston College, UConn, UC Santa Barbara, or UKentucky... So I am mentally leaning towards BU's unfunded masters already.
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