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  1. I know LSAT is for lawyers. That's why I said take it and go to law school. My point wasn't necessarily go to law school - it was that taking out that much in loans for a professional degree which will not give you a sufficient income to pay it is unwise and economically a terrible idea. At least with law school he could potentially make "big money". He will never do that with an MPA, so why the hell would you take out that debt? Not taking out debt that you won't be able to pay back in a viable fashion is logic 101.
  2. IMO, if you're going to take that much debt out, wait a year, study for the LSATs, and go to law school. SIS or bust. A lot of people on this forum are seemingly short-sighted and don't fully grasp the long-term implications and consequences of taking on a lot of debt for a policy degree.
  3. This is outrageously baffling to me... I don't understand how people can rationalize law school debt for an MPA degree.
  4. Are you going to attend? How was your financial aid?
  5. I just got one from Prabhu, not Cathy, but there was no mention of funding... Is that a different one? Edit: Nevermind, it is her name on the bottom
  6. Well congrats! Looks like you're going to GSPP though?
  7. I very much doubt the school is going to think much of a job that you are working from now until you start school anyways. I feel like it would be a very rare case where a job from the time of admissions cycle -> school start would have a huge influence....and given the jobs where they would be THAT influential, to get that job you probably would have to have a nice resume anyways. So it wouldn't even matter.
  8. I know, I was agreeing with you. The better/wiser part (and the post) was to a dollarninetynine.
  9. MPSA was last weekend, MPIA is this weekend.
  10. Or maybe he's reasonable: http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/unable_to_find_public_interest_jobs_some_harvard_law_students_settle_for_bi/ "Under pressure to secure employment and pay off loans, some students accept positions at top law firms instead of pursuing careers in government or the non-profit world.” Granted, MPA grads aren't able to land the same gigs as HLS/YLS/SLS grads, but it makes a point: if you have a lot of debt, you likely won't be able to work that low(er)-paying public service job you want (unless you also don't want a family, a house, a car, a mortgage, kids, fun, vacation, etc) because it is mathematically and economically impossible to have a low-paying job and be saddled in debt. If you want to be Mother Teresa, go ahead, but it doesn't make you any better or wiser.
  11. lbjane, if you see this, i sent you a message it says you havent read ( if you wouldnt mind)
  12. I am unsure why one would want a more "qualitative" than "quantitative" program? Is this like a MPA vs MPP thing? Or am I missing something?
  13. Like people have said before, this all depends on what you want to do. Why the hell does it matter if some dude in China or Russia has heard of Harvard and Princeton if you just want to work for your city/state's government?
  14. Your verbal on the GRE is obviously great, but your quant is lacking. I'm not trying to say it's not a good score, but it's not stellar. Taking some quant classes and acing them will help you show that you are quant-able. Your resume was better than you first let on, though. Multiple years of experience will make up for a lackluster GPA when you were 6 years younger.
  15. Just relax until you get your results back. If for some reason you don't get accepted anywhere, focus on the things you can control that will affect your app in the future. - You didn't mention your GRE scores, but maybe take them again and get a higher score - Work for a year (or two, or three) so you can figure out exactly what you want to do ("[i want to do] politics or nonprofits or advocacy" is kind of unspecified and shows little direction) - Take a class or two in quant subjects (if you haven't taken them, or to show your commitment) - Work - Get work experience - Find somewhere to get relevant work experience Good luck this cycle.
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