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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chapel Hill, NC
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Research Fulbright Poland

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. No- my FPA only said as I quoted about the notification, then offering himself available for career advice once we find out the outcome next Tuesday. Unfortunately, there was nothing more explaining the specified date
  2. Hey Fulbright hopefuls; I just received an email from my FPA as follows: "I just received word that you will be notified via email on Tuesday, 1/28 sometime after 5pm as to whether your application was RECOMMENDED or NOT RECOMMENDED to your potential host country." Hope this eases some of your stress and worries for the time being!
  3. Thanks so much! All of you had such wonderful things to say. I have to say, my mistakes motivate me more to work and study, and I think if I didn't make them, sometimes I would never realize I didn't know! Does that even make sense? Any way, good to know everyone has these experience!
  4. Does anyone else ever say something stupid? Or make incorrect statements about the things you are supposed to know about because now, it's your specialty? Or mistakes about things you should know on a "101 Level"? When undergrads or others ask you something and you get it wrong (and sometimes another grad student is there to correct you). Oh well, I guess it's the best way to never get it wrong again! Every once in a while I do this, now two weeks into my first year of grad school. It's a bad feeling, shame filled, but then again laughable because it brings me down from and shrinks my head back to normal size! Don't you think?
  5. Yeah- I could, good find rising_star! I guess this is another sign to show that this one opportunity is not the only one I would have.
  6. It's the Kosciuszko Foundation Year Abroad http://www.thekf.org/scholarships/exchange-poland/year-abroad/ Congrats on Fulbright- I have a friend doing her ETA in Warsaw this year.
  7. This is all very true. I am leaning towards taking the funding for the Masters and with the extra money and perhaps other fellowships spending the summer in Poland. Thanks, again AND!
  8. Thanks, ANDS! That's good advice. I could always reapply for the fellowship, true, but it is definitely one of the highest, just below Fulbright, that we can get- and leads basically to fluency in Polish. But then again, like you said, funded Masters is rare, and there is no reason I can't go to Poland over the summers, especially with the generous stipend I am getting (15K when it costs considerably less to live in Chapel Hill.) Long term goal is PhD, yes. It probably would have been helpful to say right off that my focus is Polish literature and Language. I guess it's that old: one bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bush.
  9. So I am- obviously- getting ahead of myself, but this is the epic time of freak outs so I want to get some opinions on what to do. So basically, I have an acceptance with full funding and stipend for year one of Masters in the fall. I also applied for a fellowship to study for a year (fully paid with stipend) in Poland, but will not hear about that until mid-June. Now I can defer acceptance in June, but I would lose funding. And then I worry, since FLAS is really the only source of funding, that they would not be inclined to nominate me again should I reapply. I have this wicked scenario in my head of "Oh, her? We gave her the money last year and she rejected it in the middle of the summer. No way would we giver her the funding again." I also can't look for housing until I know where I will be. What would you do? Settle on the good opportunity and go with the fully funded year, or take a risk and go with the good opportunity to study abroad?
  10. When did it become a "thing" not to tell people they are on the waitlist until they ASK?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MinervasOwl


      yes, this has happened to me with one place I'm really interested in.

    3. Ameonna


      I was kidding about there literally being two waitlists (sorry, tone doesn't carry well over the internet,) but what I mean is it definitely seems that way, especially with schools that use "unofficial waitlists." Basically, they wait until others have accepted/denied their offers before they tell you anything. While it's great not to be rejected right off the bat, it's still maddening!!

    4. lslavic12


      Mediaphile- it's happened to me with three schools, including my top 2 choices! ARGH!

      Ameonna- I totally agree. Better than rejection. But I still can't believe they treat backups like that. I know with one school, I've pretty much decided to withdraw because of this whole thing. We (or just I, idk) could be waiting until April! SO NOT COOL!

  11. Website says "Decision Made." No sign of WHAT that decision IS! ARGGGGH!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarahmarie


      Oh that is AWFUL! And it's the weekend! Good luck getting through the next few days!

    3. Sarahmarie


      Similar thing happened to me. One of my schools changed my online profile to include financial aid and res life links but no decision yet...should I be reading into this?

    4. lslavic12


      I don't know- but I prefer some kind of development to this silence up until now! Do you think they don't do anything over the weekend?

  12. PREACH!
  13. I guess considering how few spots they have open, 25 is a big number. I know my institution had decided several weeks before I heard anything, and that deadline was Dec. 15. I didn't hear about my acceptance from the Graduate School until mid February. Here's to hopin' the January deadline schools are along the same timeline and we will hear at the end of the month. Or maybe that's something to say just to ease my mind... Do you think that the results survey is seeming more useless as time goes on? Perhaps lack of $$$ is making it harder to give decisions this year. Hoorah icky economy for the humanities.
  14. How many do you think are approx. in each pool of applications? (haha- if ONLY it were 5!) It seems that it should be quite small and thus I don't know why in the world we haven't heard!
  15. I didn't apply to OSU either. Also- pelevinfan- I COMPLETELY agree- so unnerving is the silence. I also think the pool is so small, but I am also thinking my constant scouring of the results from previous years have made me think that past any given date that I am rejected etc. I just want to know! Even if it is rejection!
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