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    Social Psychology

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  1. Also rejected *sniffles* Congrats to the winners!
  2. I really hope it doesn't delay over the weekend. It's too soon to be pessimistic about that but who knows, haha. Good luck everyone!
  3. I found it helpful to speak on the phone with a couple of current students, including one who was advised by someone who I think may become my adviser. She said he is a very engaging and helpful adviser IF you're researching something very similar to his work; otherwise he is much less responsive. (This probably isn't the case with all advisers, so it would be helpful for you to figure this out in advance.) I found this information helpful because I can wisely spend my time reading his work and judging whether my research ideas closely line up with his ideas, and also whether I'm really passionate enough about these topics. Of course, I can only know how well we'd work out after I arrive at the school and get started. But learning about potential mentors in advance helped me know how to build my reading list wisely.
  4. I don't know if anyone is still on this thread, but I found it SUPER helpful. I rejected some programs last night and accepted my top choice. A couple of rejections were sent in personal e-mails to POI's who had been recruiting me and had been super friendly, eager, and welcoming. I tried to make sure they knew I really hated not being able to work with them. Because I really wish I could go to all of these programs! I am avoiding my inbox like the plague because I feel horrible. Even though I know they won't be nearly as emotional about it as I am... I'm feeling extremely anxious about this all even though my choice is at a top school that is a great match for me. Anyone around who can relate??? (I know this is a good problem to have... I still will feel rotten for a couple of days though)
  5. If you want to continue in research and teaching, I'd say go to UPenn because it's rare (sometimes impossible) for someone to be hired for a faculty position at the institution where s/he got the PhD. If you stayed in NYC you'd be eliminating one school for future work. Plus UPenn as you mentioned is highly ranked in the psych areas. If you want to go into practice, I'm sure going to TC would be fine for networking purposes like you said.
  6. I suppose since this is from last year, no one is on anymore. But just in case - has anyone heard anything?
  7. I know very little about either school, but a decent or good PhD program (in my humble opinion) trumps an MA even at a very good school. And not going into debt trumps either going into debt or overworking to pay for school That's just me, but I'd definitely take the PhD. After that degree you will likely have more opportunities open to you. I have a friend who went to Columbia for her masters and now realizes it hasn't helped her much in her career at all. If she had gone into a PhD she'd be at least halfway through it now instead...
  8. 50_50, This (sort of) happened to me a couple of times. I'm in a different field and still in the app process, but what I can tell you so far is that for all of my phone convos, I spoke with the professor about their lab and research interests. They didn't mention any other profs or ask about my interests that would be un-related to theirs. I don't think they'll wonder why you didn't list them in their SOP - if you didn't list anyone than obviously you were addressing the program as a whole and trying to be broad. Be honest about your interests, let them guide the conversation, and to prepare read his/her work and know what you like about the program as a whole. He/she will probably be happy to know that s/he was right in guessing your specific interests. Prepare questions about the lab and feel free to ask about how collaborative the program is (like if students work with multiple advisers) but I wouldn't ask specifically about another prof unless they bring it up. Good luck!!
  9. Hey Donny! I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your Q, but it's been a year. Did you end up getting in? I applied to Booth's MOB, but I have no idea what to do if I do get accepted because they don't interview and the faculty seem to be hard to get a hold of. Any advice on how to get to know the school?
  10. I agree with the lady T. I have a couple of pairs of Clarks and they're fantastic! What makes mine good for work/walking is: low heel, cushy bottom, rubber soles (I feel like this helps a lot) and yet they look professional and feminine.
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