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Posts posted by Mistral

  1. I declined an offer from LSU yesterday--I hope the offer goes to a gc'er. :)

    I was prepared to accept an offer to UGA, but now I'm panicking. I rarely hear anything about UGA, which is making me anxious. Does anyone have anything to share about UGA? I've spent a lot of time on the website and talked with faculty and students, but now I have the fear that I'm missing something? I was also accepted at the University of Florida off of the wait list yesterday, so that has complicated things, too. UF has a 1-1 teaching load; UGA is 1-2. However, UGA is offering a much better stipend, and they are a better fit for my interests. UGA, UF, or try again next year? Any thoughts?

  2. Anyone know if people with waitlisted funding from Greensboro have ever ended up getting funding? I want to get my PhD, but I can't imagine doing it with no funding and paying out-of-state tuition. I've been lucky enough to be almost finished with my master's and I have no student loans. I'm not really sure I want to start racking up debt now.

    Yes. I know someone who was wait listed for funding at UNCG and ended up getting it (last year). Good luck!

  3. Despite my obsession, which borders on fanaticism, I am not, in fact, George Orwell. I know, I know, I misled you all. I apologize.

    Yeah it's a whole subfield of sociolinguistics! Quite a few of the profs I applied to work with are language and gender folk.

    And I assume both bdon and cquin look like their avatars, though for some reason I think bespeckled looks like cquin's avatar + a lot of freckles. I'm also pretty certain Timshel carries around a parasol all the time, Grunty is always wearing a bandana over her (I think? Maybe his?) face and I've no idea what lolopixie looks like.

    I'm not sure what lolopixie looks like either, but I'm pretty sure she has great penmanship:)

  4. Why did your post get voted down? :angry: I voted it back to neutral for you. Hahaha I thought it was a good observation! I'm really, really trying to keep neutral, but there are many things about Chapel Hill that are really, really starting to appeal to me!

    I don't know what that was about, but thanks for voting the post up to make it neutral! And congrats - UNC looks like a great program!

  5. I eat whatever is fast and easy. I can't stay in the kitchen long because I might miss acceptances on Grad Cafe... and if I'm not there when acceptances are handed out, then I might not get one. That is probably how it works.

    Great sign, comebackzinc! I'm glad I hadn't already reached my +1 quota, so that I could give you a 1++++++ (in the voice of Ralphie's teacher).

  6. Thanks Marlowe. I was gonna +1 your post, but I got a message that said "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day." WHAT? We have a QUOTA? How are we supposed to support each other in the midst of all this drama???

    I +1ed for ya trip, Trip. I'm sending out positive vibes (also hoping they come back to me). Congrats on the ECF!

  7. Oh, this is great to know! I did talk a lot about Thompson in my SOP!

    Bahaha, yes, I definitely am! I like to think it keeps me from getting too attached to any one school. It definitely keeps me from obsessing over my motivations for putting one before another! Hahaha

    I understand - my mind works in the same way. I was looking at your great options and wondering if you had a preference, yet. Then I noticed the alphabetical order and guessed that you were keeping your options neutral at this point. hahaha!

  8. It wasn't me (I'm just putting mine up now), but I got accepted to UNC this evening! Official acceptance letters haven't yet gone out, but I was nominated for a fellowship from the graduate school, so perhaps some admits will come later? Good luck to everyone!! :)

    Congrats - that's awesome, bdon!

    Bdon, are you keeping your schools in alphabetical order within categories? If so, that's awesome, too! :)

  9. Hahahahahaha, drowning myself in your (y'all's? all y'all's?) words is like having a rebirth, minus the whole rebirth thing. Lolopixie, YOU GOT THIS. And if nothing else, there's always stripping. (Kidding.) (Although it'd be a great way to stay in shape and maybe make a decent living, especially compared to the adjunct teaching salary I make now...) (*sigh*)

    I'm seriously debating marrying rich, and then buying my way through Anthropologie. Chasing happiness is the same, whether you're looking for that perfect blouse with your husband's credit card or a tenure-track job with... well, nothing. :-P Go team us. I think a better idea would be for all of us to pool our money and buy an island and then start our own dystopian society. And THEN, we could document it via different fictional approaches, and then we'd ALL win Pulitzers.

    How's that?

    One of my professors was a stripper to put herself through school at Berkeley...in the 70s. It seems to have worked out well for her!

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