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Everything posted by William_James

  1. (for social / affect / cognitive division)
  2. First round of Denver is out today, though seems like they only are making 2 at first
  3. anyone want to claim UCSD?
  4. my impression was that they are all out already, but as you said there could still be the waitlist
  5. At my interview weekend at UCSD I met people who had interviews at UMD and Columbia, so those are done most likely
  6. Definately don't lose hope until the end. My friend last year was looking at a shutout, and then suddenly in March he got emailed from one of his top schools b/c the first interview went terrible. So the prof called my friend and he ended up getting in. Point is, there's always a chance of second-round interviews. The "hot shots" will sweep up all the first rounds of interviews. But, they can only go to one school! In the worse case you take a year off, gain some lab experience, retake GREs, just push hard as you can. This is my second time around, and the time I took off in between made a big difference not only in making me more competitve, but helping get a grasp on what I'm most interseted in studying the next many years of my life. This is SUPER important - I know some people who got into PhDs right out of undergrad and burned out quickly because they never took time to really think deeply about what they wanted to do. Finally, just remember there's a lot of luck invovled!
  7. latest NYU post was me. if you PM me i can tell POI. Visit weekend march 1st. It appears that they are doing it by professor so there may still be hope if you still haven't heard.
  8. I had an interview with NYU faculty at SPSP - if you're in social, decisions are being made today about who gets in-person interview. So expect notification either today or the next few days
  9. NYU interview was me. POI wants to interview at SPSP this week.
  10. hmmm nothing from berkeley and no posts today except for clinical. Website said notifications go out today! Anyone got one and hiding ?
  11. UCSD interview was me. Generalized email inviting me out weekend of feb 8th. cool.
  12. hope you're right!!
  13. second berkeley post stated it was a mass e-mail so I wonder if that means all interviews have been extended...
  14. seconded.
  15. looks like some UCSD rejections went out last night, but I didn't get one. Lovely limbo
  16. Denver interview post was me. It's a phone interview that I'm not sure is "the" interview or a pre-interview for an in-person.
  17. Yes, congrats...did you apply to cognitive psych?
  18. anyone want to claim the Denver phone call? Hoepfully they stagger their interview notifications! Though Denver is technically a "backup" for me it's actaully really high on my list b/c they have a really strong affective science division.
  19. yeah i'm presenting a poster at it, you?
  20. anyone else who didn't have much action this week from their schools? What do you think...next week will be the big week for notifications?
  21. to the stanford poster - mind PMing me to say who POI was? I was the other post a while back.
  22. new info about Yale: all interviews have been extended according to the coordinator. So looks like if you haven't heard by name its rejection
  23. I just got an email from Yale telling me my application was just forwarded to my department for review??? Did anyone else get this? If not I wonder if this means my application wasn't sent? update: confirmed that it was available and they don't know why I got it. So if you get it, then it doesn't mean anything...
  24. congrats!
  25. Let's hope not the whole department! Not feeling good about that though
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