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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    British Romanticism, Modernism, American Southern Gothic fiction

    Phenomenological Theory, Aesthetic Response theory, Iser, Gadamer, Sartre, Philosophy and Literature

    Applied: 12
    Accepted: CUNY
    Waitlist: Boston U
    Rejected: UT, Tufts, UMich, Johns Hopkins, Harvard (implicit), NYU (implicit)
  • Program
    English PhD

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  1. Just got an ECF at CUNY! WOOHOOOO!!! Going there....
  2. I was told that you can teach more for about $2400 per course, depending on the number of credit hours.
  3. The woman I corresponded with (Carrie Hintz?) said that 16 people who have been offered ECFs have not communicated w/ her at all regarding accepting or rejecting the offer. I don't know how many offers were made total. I think at this point I have decent odds of getting one, but who knows! Also one of my undergrad profs is trying to get me a first year teaching position because I will be on the hook for out of state tuition the first year and needing more than the ECF anyway.
  4. Just accepted my offer from CUNY But... still waiting for an ECF, so if you one of the 16 funded people who has yet to accept/decline, make up your mind soon, pretty please!
  5. I emailed Dr. Lee at BU asking for a wait list update and received this dreadful thing in reply: Dear [portlandfioretti], I'm afraid we are not able to offer you admission to Boston University. As I've just learned today, we had a higher than usual number of admitted students enroll this year and are not admitting anyone from the waiting list. Our Graduate School insists on sending official rejection letters, which you should receive shortly. However, I wanted to contact you personally and let you know as soon as possible. Best of luck, Maurice S. Lee Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies English Department Boston University
  6. Stately! I would like to trade you a BU spot for a CUNY spot! Not sure that it works that way sadly...
  7. I am waitlisted too, and just wondering what the likelihood of getting funding would be, if I were to get in...
  8. I posted on the board. Ew. I didn't agree that the letter was mean until I read mine. I actually had a delusional hope of being accepted...
  9. Thanks! good to know! I just sent them an email asking about it, and also asking when to expect a decision...
  10. Thanks, eriksmegs - I didn't see that until you pointed it out. Still no decision once I clicked on it, and I am rather worried because the page that comes up lists all my application materials (other than test scores and the online app) as "Not Received". This makes no sense, as I sent everything in months ago, so I am wondering if anyone else has the same problem - is it a glitch, or did they really never get my things....
  11. For CUNY funding I have a question - From what I understand, if I get an ECF (soon, hopefully!) I will still have to pay the difference between instate and out of state tuition. Does anyone here know much about this? As in, would I be able to establish in state residency w/in the first year? What does the difference normally work out to in the first year? Is it really possible to live in NYC on the ECF? I have also heard that the teaching load is overwhelming - one current student told me that she gave up her fellowship, took a part time time, and took out loans in order to have enough time to work on her dissertation. Just trying to figure out if this is even a feasible option for me...
  12. I just checked the mail and found a letter saying that I am "high on [their] waiting list". Given my lack of plausible options, I emailed them to say that I would like to keep my place on the list. However, I am wondering how anyone affords to go there w/o a first year fellowship? If you know the ins and outs of their funding, please share. From what I can tell, I'd be on my own financially for the first and responsible for paying tuition. Also the AI offers for the other years don't seem to be very good - not really enough to live on from what I can see. Despite the crappy funding, CUNY Grad Center is looking better and better.
  13. Wow, Stately Plump! What a fantastic experience! I am just dying to get off the waitlist and get in to BU, all the more after your post.
  14. Congrats Rupert! I have high hopes for tomorrow for all of us still waiting . If you don't mind me asking, what did they say about funding in the email?
  15. On the Urbana website they give the following info for the number of acceptances each year: "Because we have many strong applicants, we admit only one out of seven or so to our graduate programs. We offer admission to approximately 40 students per year applying to the M.A. in Literature program and to approximately 5-10 students in three other programs: the Ph.D. in Literature, and the M.A. and Ph.D. in Writing Studies. We admit 6 M.F.A. candidates a year (3 in fiction, 3 in poetry). Our non-literature tracks typically have smaller applicant pools. Half or more of all admitted students accept our offers, with 20-30 new students usually entering each year. Most of our Ph.D. students have received their M.A.s at Illinois." Does this mean that they are accepting 40 people into a terminal MA and 5-10 into a PhD program that usually includes an MA first? Or does it mean they accept 40 MA students, some terminal and some intending to continue, and then they accept 5-10 PhD students, mostly from their current MAs? Sorry if this is confusing! If you have been accepted there/currently attend, maybe you know the answer to my question.
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