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Posts posted by nm16

  1. I attended the Diversity Recruitment weekend at Harvard last year. I think it was a good way to get a feel for the school, program, and administration. They provided some very helpful and informative sessions on financial aid and writing your SOP. But I'm not sure "how" much it helps to get into the program you desire. You do get to meet the program director, so that gives you an opportunity to network. 


    Also- I applied to 15 schools (which was crazy and I don't advice lol) Half are focused around Student Affairs and the other half are more policy, research oriented Higher Ed Master's programs. Best of luck everyone!!


    Please let me know if anyone's heard from UMichigan or Harvard GSE. They are definitely part of my top 5 picks. 



     emg28 -- we've applied to lots of the same places and for similar reasons, I see. I also applied to UMich and HGSE. HGSE definitely won't get back to us until March, I think. As for the former, I'm hoping we'll have news in 2 or 3 weeks since the campus visit is in mid-March.

  2. A bit late to the game! I've applied to Master's programs in higher ed administration, ed policy, or a mixture of both... the programs at these schools vary quite a bit!:






    USC Rossier





    I'm currently an undergrad at Vanderbilt and I've heard down the grapevine that the MEd/MPP applicants are supposed to hear back really, REALLY soon.  :) keep your hopes up everyone.

  3. Hey! I'm currently in the EPM program. Gosh I remember when I was on here last year like it was yesterday. I too heard the acceptance rate was 50/50 so you have good odds! 


    That acceptance rate definitely relieves me a bit... thank you!!! Hope you're enjoying the EPM program! Any pros&cons/advice to offer us?


    Has anyone who has applied to Masters programs heard back yet? I feel like it's about time, but I suppose PhDs are still hearing back...

  4. GRE Score (Revised): V 165, Q 166 AWA:6.0

    GPA: 3.70

    Work Experience: Bunch of internships/practicums... at a policy-advo non-profit, a K-12 school, an ethnicity-based non-profit, and a foundation.

    Undergrad Institution (Public, Private, Ivy, etc..): Private top-20, methinks

    Research Experience: None :(

    Applying for PhD or Masters: Masters, 2013

    Program: Education Policy & Management

    What Other Schools Are You Applying To: USC PASA, UCLA HEOC, Vanderbilt MPP, Stanford POLS, UMich HE

    I don't have much of an expectation w/getting into HGSE; I pretty much applied because my mother kept hinting that me attending Harvard was her dying wish. Even though she isn't dying. :mellow:

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