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Everything posted by EIIIP55

  1. I just got accepted to my dream PhD program with amazing funding! Since this is my second year applying, the relief is immense. Even though I haven't always been an active contributor to these forums, I've always read along and felt so much better knowing there were others out there going through the same anxiety/stress. This has definitely been the most stressful two years of my life, and I want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your stories/concerns/etc. I hope that everyone gets the results they want---I'll be sending good vibes your way!! Thank you!
  2. quitting smoking.
  3. my power went out for the past 24 hours, my blackberry died shortly thereafter and i couldn't check grad cafe/email. i ended up staying up late telling stories with my roommates by candlelight, and had the most relaxing night i've had since starting this process. sadly, it's back on now, so here i am.
  4. yeah, a few people are reporting having heard back from my top choice today. can't shake the sinking feeling that i'm out. definitely going to have a nervous breakdown.
  5. First, I want to let everyone know how helpful it is to read everyone's posts....makes me feel a little less like I'm going to have a stroke checking my email. Second, I need advice as to whether all this anxiety is turning me into a terrible person: was just informed by my boyfriend that an old friend of his and her husband (both of whom I'm not crazy about) are coming for a visit this weekend. This would be nausea-inducing under normal circumstances, as this woman likes to give me passive aggressive cleaning tips and is constantly, suspiciously inquiring about the last time I washed the sheets in the guest room---but it's even worse this time because her husband is applying to grad schools as well, and has already been accepted into 8 or so top programs. We're in completely different fields, but the way these people are means that this whole weekend is going to turn into an extended celebration of his accomplishments, reviewing all the funding offers he's gotten a thousand times, etc (in fact, she already suggested to my boyfriend that he buy a bottle of champagne so we could all toast her husband). Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear and do not know if I could stomach such a weekend. Am I becoming the most petty person on earth to be dreading this so much? Good luck to everyone
  6. Since submitting my apps, I've started smoking again after a year and a half smoke-free. So, not handling waiting very well!
  7. if i get in, my boyfriend promises me a bottle of champagne. if not, whiskey.
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