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Everything posted by rcpk310

  1. Check the school's admission stats, but I think your scores are very competitive! From what I've heard, even schools that require the Psych GRE don't place a ton of emphasis on it, and just want to see that you were above the 50th percentile. I say just go for it!
  2. I didn't get in, as expected! But I think ultimately it's a good thing, given what I've heard from others about the program, the entirely adjunct faculty, and the fact that Clinical Psych is not even a research focus there. Thanks for the encouragement about the research experience I'm involved in now. I'm still worried, though, that it's not going to be enough for me to compete with other applicants who have an undergraduate degree in psych and were able to do more as research assistants, even conduct their own research. I also am not 100% clear about what I want my area of concentration to be in grad school. I have some ideas, but they're not really based in experience, so that's something else I'm worred about when admissions is evaluating whether or not I will be a valuable contribution. Thanks for the info about TC! I am actually working on my application as we speak. I LOVE the program actually, and when I visited there I just got a really good feeling from everyone I met with and felt people were very dedicated and down to earth. I got the sense, though, that actually there WERE research opportunities at the masters level, and that in fact masters students had the opportunity to confuct their own research for a masters thesis. This is part of the program that actually really attracted me to it. Re: counseling psych...yes, I know it entails research, I guess just from what I've heard (regarding masters programs in counseling) it's significantly less research than in a clinical program. I could be wrong though. Thanks for the info....this is a helpful way to think about choosing counseling vs clinical. I would definitely consider myself "somewhere in between", so after looking at the differences in the programs, mainly in what kind of coursework I would be taking and what the faculty are involved in, I became certain that clinical is for me.
  3. Thanks! Yeah I have heard people saying an MA is a waste of time and what you really need is research experience. I guess since I don't have a background in psych, I wanted to see if people maybe thought otherwise for my situation. Also the "research" I'm involved in right now is just me doing random things in the lab that grad students and professors ask me to do, like conducting interviews for experiments, setting up physiological measurements, transcribing and coding, etc. Haven't even gotten to do any statistical analysis yet, although that might happen soon. Anyway, all of this is to say that I don't know if this experience plus my limited psych background will be substantial enough to get me into good programs. Any suggestions for securing better lab positions? What kind of research work do I need to have on my application to be seen as an attractive applicant? My GPA is not amazing...3.6 overall. However my major GPA was a 3.8, except that was for International Relations so I don't know if that would matter when applying for clinical psych programs! Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Hello all, I recently applied to NYU's MA program in General Psych for Spring 2012 and am waiting to hear back. I have a 2010 BA in International Relations with lots of ethnic reconciliation/human rights non-profit experience. I decided a few months ago that psychology is my calling and I want to become a therapist. I took a couple of psych summer classes to fulfill necessary pre-reqs, am now a research assistant in 2 labs, and I am helping out a doctoral student edit his manuscript for publication. I have talked to maaannnny people about path to becoming a therapist- whether or not I should do an MA in counseling, an MA in General Psych then a PhD in Clinical, or just a PhD in Clinical. Since I really like research, I decided against the counseling. Since my background in psychology is limited and clinical psych programs are insanely competitive, I thought it would be a good idea for me to do an MA in general psych first to gain more research experience, make connections, and work my ass off so I get a high GPA! I want to start ASAP, and I want to be in NYC, hence my spring application to NYU. It was the only school in NYC with spring admission that I liked, so I only applied there. Here is where my current confusion lies- I really don't think I'm going to get into NYU because my GRE scores are not so great and I kind of rushed the application. If I indeed do not get into NYU, should I continue the research assistant positions I have now and apply to other MA programs for Fall 2012? Or should I skip the MA altogether and just go for the PhD in Clinical Psych, hoping that the longer I stick with my research positions, the stronger my application will be...? (Note: my research positions entail the kind of things undergraduate psych majors would do). I am personally leaning towards applying to other MA programs for the fall- I loooove the clinical psych MA at Teachers College and I also was thinking of looking into school in Boston, possibly BU and BC. However, I have heard so many people railing on MA programs that I feel maybe it would just be a huge waste of time and money. I don't know! Would love to hear what people think!!! Thanks so much! Sorry for the long post!
  5. Hello! A couple things I wanted to throw out there regarding my application to NYU's MA program in General Psych for Spring 2012. Would love to hear people's thoughts! 1) Has anyone that's applied to this program for the spring heard back yet? It has been over 5 weeks since I sent in my application and they seem to have received all of my application materials, so I am dying to find out what the deal is! I know there is the results thread for this but I wasn't sure if maybe people just haven't posted yet (I'm new to this site...) 2) Anyone have an idea of acceptance rates for this program? I know spring is usually more competitive because of fewer spots, but I wasn't sure. Thanks so much :-)
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