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Everything posted by uke

  1. Rmutt: mine changed today as well, also got my rejection letter today... Thanks for the encouragement! but unfortunately it was a rejection...I knew it was coming as I did not interview...
  2. Thin letter from vcu awaits me at home ...it's most definitely a rejection have to wait until 4 to look at it myself
  3. Congrats! although im sorry to hear about the lack of funding. How did you find out? email?
  4. I agree with fool4nine on the age/giving up part, although i do also sympathize with you.. I recently got a chance to hear chuck close speak about his life and expereinces and his exact words about grad school were: " Grad school is only good for 2 things: 1, to have the room and to make art, and ....(pauses) and two....umm.. God damnit , theres got to be another reason why grad school is important" eventually he came up with 'a sense of community'. As humorous and fitting as this is, its also important to note his 'classmates' were; richard serra , Nancy Graves, and Janet Fish... just to name a few I am your age, and I feel like we do have pressure to go get it 'now or never' kind of thing. I would love to eventually teach at the college level, right now I teach k-12 art which is another animal in of itself, but would like to/need to get my masters within 5 years to keep my teaching cert. I think getting an MFA as apposed to an MS etc.. allows me flexibility in careers, while still being able to work on and improve my work. Personally I know eventually I would like to have a family etc. As of now I have nothing holding me back, Im single, and I could/would move anywhere. Although Im not going to give up by any means if I dont get in this round. I look at it from this angle, even if I have to wait a year or two, or more for that matter, I'll be smarter about the programs I apply to, build up my portfolio , and earn money so If i don't end up getting funding I can have some saved to kick back on. I Just make work, apply to places that feel right and have good funding and if its meant to be , then its meant to be.
  5. wait... you mean to tell me schools wont accept my hopes and dreams as payment?!?! ...rats on a serious not, as much as I want to get in this round, It might be a blessing if i dont, as next year I will hopefully have enough saved to go to a decent program ( especially if i get a bit of aid from future school) other than that I really would love to get my bar tending license and make some wicked tips
  6. Mlo said sculpture was still interviewing in rounds At this point I've lost faith ...here's to another year of teaching disrespectful high schoolers
  7. Oh no! I hope i didnt make you feel bad! i think im just stuck in recruitment mode as I worked in the admissions office during much of my time there..haha. did they offer a ta-ing position? I know they do for sculpture/ceramics, with an living stipend, but that could just be for those departments that are a bit more sparse than the eia program. Im sure where ever you go you'll blow them away!
  8. Miyamoto: I agree with outwest I actually went to alfred for undergrad and had a lot of the professors that you would have for the MFA in EIA program ( namely Peer Bode, and Xiowen Chen ) Honestly not only are these professors highly intelligent, but have AMAZING connections. Xiowen was able to get Oliver herring to come , speak , and sit and chat and eat pizza with the undergrads/grads , along with many other well established artists. I feel like small schools often get overlooked, especially alfred. I know its not in a place you might not want to spend 2 years of your life, but the sense of community is amazing! plus even though its in somewhat the middle of nowhere, your still only a 4-5 hour drive from nyc, have great networking opportunities, and still meet great artists. I would honestly apply but they really dont accept graduates from their bfa program to their mfa program ( i also would like another experience and to get out of the area) Sorry , thats just my 2 cents and plug for my alma mater !
  9. congrats! you must feel on top of the world ! and thanks for the info! i feel like schools got an overwhelming amount of applicants this year esp. which is why , my personal opinion here, they might take a bit longer to decide
  10. Best thing I've read all day ! thanks for the laugh !
  11. And does anyone know if vcu interviews in rounds ? I'm curious
  12. I was toying with the idea of low/medium residencies last year but decided they were not for me, it seemed like all the ones i was looking into where more interdisciplinary, which i enjoyed. It seemed to me that you needed to be pretty well established...meaning, you needed to have a very generous studio space available to you, and, (my hangup) live in a city where you would be able to meet with mentors for critiques throughout the semester. I remember being on the phone an admissions counselor and she asked me where i was living, I told her new york and her response was " oh thats great ! we have so many mentors, and artists affiliated with our school in nyc" i interrupted her and poped her enthusiasm balloon by explaining that i was in western ny, 5 hours away from the city. She basically then told me i'd have to move, completely defeating the idea of a low residency program..haha this is probably things you already know, sorry i couldn't be more help or speak from experience.... hopefully someone on here can give you more insight!
  13. Congrats! and to everyone else who heard good news today!
  14. this actually strangely does make me feel better, even though i didnt get the email/have incomplete items, that means they are still sorting through applications, maybe not in all departments, but still...a glimmer of hope haha
  15. great work ! best of luck!
  16. Rooseveltan, did you apply to alfred? your work is great and I'd think you'd have a great chance of getting in...!
  17. Thanks! I really appreciate that, i've been quite intimidated by y'alls work ! Also...the way you paint is beautiful! very raw, really enjoyed 'Hello Pink Roses' and 'Goodbye to the sailors'
  18. I'll join in too... portfolio I've been really impressed by whats on here, hopefully this week brings good news !
  19. I just graduated from alfred u (undergrad) and enjoyed it a lot, Theres only 3 departments for their mfa program however: Ceramics , Sculpture/Glass, and Electronic and Integrated Media or E.I.A, Funding is pretty impressive, full tuition coverage , plus a living stipend for ta-ing. I applied to vcu, they have pretty good funding, especially if they select you to be a ta, even if they dont, instate tuition is close to 5 grand a year, and out of state is close to 9 other than that... UCSB which a lot of people have talked about on here on other various forums, has amazing funding , and it sounds more like an interdisciplinary mfa or studio mfa . I've been checking it out and, if memory serves , they give full tuition assistance, plus there website says they give a + 20,000 fellowship to one mfa student. I plan on checking it out , and applying next year, although i dont know if i'd enjoy cali, im an east coast gal at heart...haha hope this helps!
  20. mlo- forgive me for asking, as i am curious, but do you know what kind of interview vcu is conducting? i remember reading on either the 2011 , or 2010 freak out forum that they do phone interviews, but i think that was a different department...
  21. haha...amen..i never really listened to them either...
  22. No interview...at least not yet, although i doubt its coming. I applied for sculpture + extended media
  23. Have either of you attended a community college or have transfer credits from another school ? Early in January I called to see if they had received everything and they said they were waiting on a transcript from my community college ( I dropped the ball and didn't think in was needed because those grades from cc were posted on my 4 year universities transcript and i never even attended , only took the classes through my high school ) but i sent it in , knowing it was going to be late, and on their banner app said they received it on the 23rd of jan. Admissions told me it wouldn't be an issue it being over a week late...but it still worried me.
  24. Hey everyone, another long time lurker finally showing their face. All of info on here has been really helpful, and much like you as the weeks go by that anxious-knot in my stomach feeling goes up. Hope everyone is hanging in... I applied to sculpture programs, really banking on vcu even though I feel like its a pipe dream. If any sculpture kids want to share websites i would love to see some work, just pm me!
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