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    MS/MA in International affairs.

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  1. Going to UCSD aswell, yet to apply for my visa though
  2. 500 strong words and a strong topic will get you through I wrote about terrorist attack in Mumbai, India. Proof read a billion times yourself and crease out any boring patches in your essay before sending it to them. Most importantly write about the topic that you feel strongly about
  3. I agree with IRTONI. Even though I was totally turned off by their unresponsiveness, I dont think it would be appropriate to go to the extent of accusing them of being unclear about their enrollment deadlines and other details. Thanks to everyone for all your help!
  4. My name is Akash C and I had been accepted by NYU-SCPS for Global affairs (<University ID>). I had filled in the online acceptance form on <data>. I want to request you to kindly cancel my acceptance. I am thankful to having been given an opportunity to be a part of NYU but at this time, I have decided to accept an offer at another university. I really apologize for the inconvenience this might cause. Thank you, Sincere Regards, Akash Is this good enough? should I be adding anything more? Please suggest
  5. @ Monad0211 I am sorry to hear that you couldnt get into your top choice program and the fact that you had GWU UCSD as your safeties tells me that you had an extremely strong application I am strongly considering GWU aswell! But UCSD has a better ranking lol maybe rankings dont matter much for applicants from the US itself but for an international student 'bigger the brand, better it is' and that is definetly one of the parameters I am looking at as of now. Content of both these programs is extremely interesting and different from one another and since I am switching over from commerce to IA I am a little confused as to which would suit me better. Admit from BU has complicated things even further! Regional focus would augur well for people who know exactly what they want of the program as against for someone(me) who is fairly new to this, but then again I wouldnt choose UCSD just because some areas of the program are stronger as compared to GWU while lacking in strength overall. Best of luck to you, hope we both make a wise decision
  6. Do you think I should be sending in the deposit by express mail and then cancelling my admission? (300$ + 60$ )
  7. Hello! I had accepted the offer from NYU-SCPS on 2nd march since I wasnt sure about their enrollment deadline. Repeated mails to their admissions got no response and out of sheer desperation I selected YES on their online enrollment page and had sent in my 300$ deposit that got returned coz the address on the voucher so generated was wrong. And in the meantime I called up their office and they told me the deadline for accepting and sending in my deposit was 1st April. So I decided to withheld my deposit before re-sending it to the corrected address. Now that I have better offers I would like to rescind my acceptance. The thing is I havent re-sent my deposit and so officially I would like to believe that I have not yet been enrolled. I am confused as to what should I be mailing them and worried if they would hold it against me?? Please help!!!
  8. No not at all! Infact I am clearly more inclined towards either GWU or UCSD! I only stated that NYU was tempting because of the location factor alone and was replying to one of the poster about my field of interest in IA. NYU has already been striked out. GWU v/s UCSD it is now
  9. I know, but NYU is tempting coz of the brand name it has. Also the location is perfect for an international student. The course is not bad though. Did you mean what exactly in IA? I had chosen the private sector concentration in my NYU application. Also considering the fact that I have a back ground in Accountancy, Economics for the last 7 years or so would help if I concentrate in that specific area, this would be an ideal choice taking into account my academic experience. Besides this I am also interested in a wide array of fields from Environment, Conflict resolution to even Economic and humanitarian development and even International Politics. I have seen people discussing about the importance of quantitative courses and I have no issues with that. As long as it has no trigonometry.
  10. I am an International student admitted to UCSD/IRPS: Master of pacific in international affairs, NYU-SCPS: MS in Global Affairs, GWU-ELLIOTT: MIA I am an international student. Which of these three should I be going into? Please help..
  11. Things have changed dramatically over the last month or so from being 'content' with my only admit from NYU-SCPS to 'greed of sorts' with a string of admits coming my way. I am an international student, 22 year old and just found out that I have been admitted to GWU ELLIOT for their International Affairs program. Havent heard about funding from any of the universities mentioned, but purely based on the reputation, alumni network, location, post program opportunities please rank the schools below. 1. NYU-SCPS: MS in Global Affairs Pros: Location, NYU's ranking, Faculty, NYC is the best city to live for an international student. Cons: Program's reputation, SCPS's reputation of being an adult school. 2. UCSD: Master of Pacific in International affairs. (MPIA) Pros: Natl Ranking: 23, siblings in SF and LA. Cons: More of an academic program. 3. GWU-ELLIOT: MA in International affairs. Pros: Program ranking: 7th (Source: Foreign Policy magazine), strong alumni network Cons: Program size, Location factor (I know kinda surprising but i aint too sure about how helpful would it really be for an international student considering most of the jobs in the DC area are federal) 4. FSU: MA in International affairs. Out of reckoning. My career goals in the future would be working in the field of Intl. Affairs. Learning on the job and then narrowing it down on my interest as per that. As of now I am open to working in an NGO, International or Governmental Organizations. I understand I might receive much flak for being a little aimless and not being specific with regards to my goals. But thats how it is honestly and also because I dont want to be stuck doing the same thing all my life. Please help me decide! Thank you!
  12. Hello! I have read a lot about the top IR programs and there are a trillion threads on just these top schools with detailed analysis on a variety of parameters to get into the top programs at Harvard, Columbia, Princeton etc but I think we really need to discuss about 2nd and 3rd tier universities offering a masters in IR. There are people I have come across on the forum who would settle for nothing less than the best. Which made me come up with this question: how badly would it hurt if someone got into lets say FSU, GMU etc? (I have an admit from FSU, btw)
  13. Thanks Helpplease123 & mellowyellow for your inputs. My interview went well I am guessing. I dont know. They told me that I was one of the 75 applicants shortlisted for the interviews( or was it the fall class?! dont really remember!). And also that I'll be hearing about financial aid and all that by mid march. Dont know what to make of it?! @helpplease123 Congrats for your first admit! USC is an awesome university
  14. hey mellowyellow! could you please elaborate a bit on 'commitment to public service'; what exactly are they wanting to listen? Is it about our plans post completion of the program or the work we have done up until now?
  15. I'll be scheduling mine on the 28th or 29th. Not sure. This is what I came across while I was looking for the kind of questions expected to be asked. Sample Traditional Interview Questions: Tell me a little about yourself. Why did you choose Texas A&M? Why did you select your major? Which courses did you find most difficult? Why? What would you like to be doing five years from now? What has been your greatest accomplishment so far? Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. Would you rather be in charge of a project or work as part of a team? What have you learned from the experiences you have held? Sample Behavioral Interview Questions: Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member. Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done? Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept. Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem. Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together. Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision. What did you learn? What would you do differently? Sample Stress Interview Questions: What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with? What are some of the things you find difficult to do? How would you evaluate me as an interviewer? What interests you least about this job? How do you handle rejection? What is the worst thing you have heard about our company? See this pen I'm holding. Sell it to me Sample Case Interview Questions: [*]A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making this decision? [*]A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities? http://careercenter.tamu.edu/guides/interviews/questions.cfm?sn=parents
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