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Posts posted by RainbowInTheDark

  1. As someone who also has a huge interest in urban policy, I have practically ruled out Harris at this point. Conversations with two unsatisfied students (with similar interests to mine), plus the fact that Harris' curriculum is quantitative almost to the exclusion of other relavent disciplines needed for sound policy analysis. Also, while Harris is located in Chicago, it actually has few links to the City, certainly nothing like NYU or USC's engagement with their respective metropolises. I went to UChicago for undergrad, and never noticed a Harris School presence in any of the community development or urban policy initiatives I got involved in.

    That being said, I'm confident Harris is trying to change this reputation, and will be growing its "Urban Policy Initiative" in the near future. The new Institute for Politics with David Axelrod will certainly bring more discussion of local politics to the school.

    Good luck!

  2. Congrats on your acceptances! I went to UChicago for undergrad, and have also been accepted to Harris (and GPPI!). I think it depends on what you want to study. Chicago will be a better choice for pursuing a career in academia. It's also very quantiative --at times to the exclusion of other necessary disciplines in policy (that's just my opinion). If you wanted to study economic policy of any kind, though, Chicago would be the place to go.

    I'm leaning towards Georgetown of those two. I can tell you that Chicago will beat D.C. city-wise. I'm from New York City originally, and consider Chicago to have a level of energy and excitement that almost approaches NY.

  3. I noticed that too about the MPP employment prospects. Not sure about the negotiating for more money, though. I'm sure it doesn't hurt to try.

    My main concern has to do with the geographic restraints of a Price degree. USC is a very prominent and highly ranked program nationally, and it also has a broad reach internationally (particularly in East Asia). But if I'm looking to work on more domestic issues--like urban and housing policy--and am not necessarily committed to the idea of a career in the LA Metro area, do you think USC then poses problems? It would be interesting to see the location of all the jobs Price graduates get right out of school.

    I do like LA, and could live there, but I don't think I'd want to be confined to one region/network in advance, by my school choice.

  4. I'm an alum of the college at UChicago, and saw on the alumni website that there's a Harris School event here in New York on Thurdsay to discuss the Mayor's Young Men's Initiative. The event says join the discussion "with fellow uchicago alumni, newly admitted Harris students..." I'm guessing they're referring to PhD students here...

  5. Funny I just saw this after messaging you! I'm Ben from New York City. I'll be at the March 23rd event, and USC is currently in the driver's seat in terms of my preferences. Pretty pumped for seeing campus, and of course getting to experience some of the SoCal sun and warmth.


  6. Congrats! I think one of Wagner's major strengths--even for a topic like environmental policy--is that it's really good at building an interdisciplinary education. In addition to the faculty, you'll also develop really strong career networks in the City, which I don't think Columbia can offer yet (given how new its program is).

    May I ask when/how you heard of your NYU admission? I applied to the MPA too and am awaiting a decision..

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