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Posts posted by fanon_fanatic

  1. I'm having a similar smartphone paranoia problem...my android yells "DROID" every time it gets an email, and I obsessively run to check it, usually to find a coupon or spam, or something I just don't care about. I've thought about unsync-ing my phone, but then I think I'd just sign onto my computer all the time....no rest.

    @Spriteling, I hope that your roommate gets good news on Monday instead of bad.

  2. gracie, I've never been to Chicago so I can't compare, but Philly is a really typical East Coast city: Dense and dirty! :) Philly looks especially run down from the outside but has so many interesting neighborhoods and cultures. Everyone I knew who lived there loved it, and I liked visiting it a lot. I like taking the train between DC/NY/Philly. I don't know where Temple ranks against other Comm schools, but I do know it's reputable and is a good school. I looked at it for a while but couldn't find enough faculty with my interests. You can always check out a rankings system. I like the NRC rankings.

    Clarisse, I haven't decided yet whether to use my Kindle for academics. :unsure: I like to write notes on the things I read a lot, so I'm a little afraid that I'll be all messed up. But all my for fun reading, and game playing, oh yes! Lately I've been reading a bunch of academic books that I always wanted to read, James Baldwin, Saidiya Hartman. And then I'm reading some poetry and plays...Ntsoke Shange, Sonia Sanchez, and some local poets from DC. I love Fanon, he has some fascinating things to say about race and ontology (he goes there. :) ) My favorite book thus far is Black Skin, White Masks. Most of my research is related to critical theory/media/rhetoric/performance and race.

    Welcome to the thread edost and brancan! I'm glad to see folks starting to add to the thread. I was nervous for a while I'd hang out here by myself...in the wind...to suffer the waiting alone ;)

  3. Hi all,

    I have a few programs I'm applying to that don't fit neatly into any other category so I made one up. They include Emory's ILA program, UC-Irvine's Visual Studies program, Berkeley's Performance Studies, and Duke's Literature Program (I know, I know, check Literature. But I think Duke's program is a little bit unique). Anyone else applying to interdisciplinary programs for Fall 2012 and waiting to hear back?

  4. Anyone else out there applying to an AfAm Ph.D program for Fall of 2012? Which programs did you apply to, and how are you surviving the wait? I applied to Northwestern, Yale and Brown AfAm, and then a bunch of interdisciplinary programs, most of which seemed like a good fit (I use "good" loosely! :)). I don't think my chances are so high at the Ivy's but I figured it was worth a try!

  5. Hey all!

    Anyone else out there applying for Communication Studies or Media Studies Ph.D programs for Fall of 2012? What are you doing while you wait it out, and where have you applied? I applied to UNC-CH, UT-Austin (RTF), and Georgia State University (Moving Image Studies) for my communication schools, and then a variety of other programs in other disciplines. Just wondering if there's anyone else out there waiting for decisions. Also, what kind of research do you want to do?

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