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Everything posted by this_isnot_here

  1. A) Depends on what type of chemistry B- Depends on the size of the company (larger companies will pay more) C) More prestigious colleges will also pay more, D) Depends on whether you want to go into academia or industry E) Depends on where you live (cost of living affects sal Professorship at a liberal arts college probably will not pay a lot, but if you work your way up to tenure, it's good money-ish. A large company like Intel/3M/Bell Labs etc. from what I've heard, starts people at 90-100K. A guy I know started at 100K straight after his phD.
  2. I've seen places going from 400-500 with anything from water + internet included, to all utilities. If you get a 2 bedroom with a roommate, you could very easily pay 400 for everything. That's the funny thing about the stipend haha, it seems like not a lot but then you realize that housing is so unbelievably dirt-cheap, that if you factor in cost-of-living, the stipend is way more than (most) anywhere else will give you.
  3. I would pass on campus housing. According to the tenant union, the campus housing has received the most complaints of any apt complex over the last 5 years out of the options they gave me. Also, that's kind of expensive, considering you could probably get cheaper stuff a few blocks down the road.
  4. Hi, everybody! I'm headed there this fall as well for a chem PhD. As far as apartments go, the packet they give you is a good place to start, the classifieds and the tenant union are also good resources to verify if the places are good to live in, and then maybe craigslist as like a supplement. I'm probably looking into housing pretty soon, as well. I think if all of us join forces and pool the info together here, everything should work out ok haha.
  5. So, I get into UCLA, but not UCSB. wat.
  6. I was accepted Feb. 12, and they used the words 'early admit', so who knows, heh. I thought more people would have applied there!
  7. I'll trade you Northwestern for my UCSD.
  8. That makes three of us. Pretty much a 100% chance of rejection, so not holding my breath.
  9. Wow another person from SD? Nice haha
  10. Accepted into Cornell! Woohoo.
  11. Materials/interdisciplinary. You?
  12. ^Out of curiosity, when did you hear from Cornell?
  13. Nah, I think you nailed most of it. Are you going to UIUC on the March 1-3 weekend by any chance?
  14. Yep. Same. Waiting for Cornell and Northwestern, apparently UIUC is tied with Northwestern in my field and both are better than Cornell, so I could care less because I'm not going to go there and it's a toss-up between Urbana and Northwestern. Berkeley I've already written off as a rejection, so I just wanna know. It's killing me haha.
  15. Department.
  16. Almost always you get the e-mail first, before they update the application page. January admissions were considered 'early admissions', so I infer that in February you will probably hear back.
  17. Yeah, I'm waiting too. Don't really care at this point, because UIUC is ranked equally in chem, so I'll probably go there if I don't get in. It would be nice to hear back though!
  18. You thought the cup was half-empty, turns out it was completely filled.
  19. Saw a few Cornell admits recently, any of you guys mind posting your stats? Thanks.
  20. IMO "ranking" systems are bogus, but valid to an extent. Being highly ranked in chemistry overall is kind of meaningless, since you may be doing org/syn as opposed theoretical, which means that some schools are better than others. MIT's inorganic is the gold standard, whereas Harvard (or is it Scripps, no clue) is the place to go for organic. So that comes into play as well. The best school for you may not be the best school overall. Take it with a grain of salt I guess haha.
  21. Pretty sure Berkeley accepts through Feb. What division are you applying under?
  22. People who got into Northwestern: What track did you apply in? Organic/Inorganic/Physical?
  23. Was it via the gradstatus page or did they send you an e-mail? They said they got my GRE's, but on the gradstatus page it says "not received", and my app still reads as incomplete. They told me they got the GRE's and put a note in my application, but it has not been updated at all and looks exactly the same.
  24. I've only heard from 3, (I only applied to 7 and 1 of them was a joke application anyway haha). I'm just happy I got in at all, now I can sleep again.
  25. Any more acceptances from Northwestern or Cornell? Anyone? Hopefully they are still to come.
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