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Everything posted by kgba
Alternate to Lithuania. Congrats everybody.
Awww, thanks! May 1st is going to be our day, it must!
Ok Fulbright...feel free to send those Baltic notifications any minute now...we know you have them!
I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a good day They've had some time now since the last slew of notifications, it's the start of a new week and the end of an old month. Chin up!
For any Baltic state applicants who may be lurking the board, I called Rachel Holskin on Friday and she (very politely!) told me that we should hear on Monday or Tuesday. Hang in there!
I wish I could up-vote things more than once...congratulations to all of you SSA folks! But COME ON BALTICS!
Don't worry, Kexin, I know how you feel! The Baltics are about a week past their notification dates from 2011 and 2010, and I just can't imagine what is taking them so long!
Ok y'all, I'll be the one to say it this Sunday: This is going to be our week at last! Good luck to everyone as the notifications come rolling right in!
Thanks for the neat map, lurker 1234! Although I must say, the little red patch completely surrounded by green in northeastern Europe looks rather depressing.
Congratulations, Ig702!!! So happy for you!!! As a side note, do you mind divulging what time zone you're in? 6:18am seems really early!
Ditto for the Baltic States. If we don't hear by Friday there's a good chance I'll be antsy enough make some attempt at contact, though I don't know whether Lithuania's notifications dates would necessarily correspond with others in Eastern Europe :/
Congratulations to all of those accepted, and congratulations to all of those still waiting - if I remember correctly, today marks the six month anniversary of the 2012-2013 application submission deadline! That's right folks, our relationship with the FSB has lasted longer than most high school romances.
Seconded! Congrats, everybody. We must surely be in the home stretch now
It's such a shame that so many of us had high hopes for today but as far as I can tell not a single person was notified! Better luck next week...
Definitely starting to! I made a deal with myself that I would wait patiently until April 13th (which just so happens to be my country's 2011-2012 notification date) and now that it seems I won't hear anything until next week at the earliest, I'm officially allowing myself to get antsy
I think a lot of us are sharing that hope! We've finally reached mid-April and it IS Friday the 13th, after all!
Congratulations! Glad to see notifications still coming in, and a great one at that!
Hey folks, I think Biz was just going off of what's currently listed in the spreadsheet, which you can access here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc#gid=0 If you'd like your information added to the spreadsheet, you can send an e-mail to fulbright.12.13@gmail.com and it will get posted with the rest
Which country did you apply to, Ldemarigny? Many Eastern European countries have already notified their candidates, but others (like the Baltics!) are still waiting. You can check the updated spreadsheet in my signature for more info!
Congrats, Taiwan Fulbrighters! Glad we started the week off right with a number of acceptances Speaking of numbers, has anyone been keeping track of how many countries have notified thus far? I have a feeling we're over the hump now! Hang tight, everybody!
I'd like to apologize to those offended by profanity and suggest that they ignore the following image.
I'm a "mid-late April" applicant and I've been under the assumption that the floodgates will open next week - on Friday the 13th, of course
Welcome, PDX. The spreadsheet can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc#gid=0 As an aside, can someone explain the different roles CIES and IIE have in the Fulbright application process? I've been perusing the website of the former as a means of distraction/procrastination and I noticed that CIES asks applicants to direct their questions to a different set of region-specific associates than those at IIE (with whom we are all by now familiar). Any insight? Thanks all
Thanks for the link, belafish, this clears a lot of things up!
Congratulations, Polish Fulbrighters! Well, congrats to EVERYONE who got good news today, but I'm especially excited for those going to Poland because 1) if I'm also accepted, we'll be in neighboring countries, and 2) I'm pretty much obsessed with Poland. I almost applied there myself! So gratulujÄ™ Wam wszystkim