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Posts posted by TPliske8711

  1. Ugh, I was guessing 75% chance. :( So annoying! I hope they send those packets out soon so we have time to get everything in.

    I just sent an email to the German program and this was their response:

    Der PAD führt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fulbright-Kommission und den deutschen Kultusbehörden den offiziellen Austausch von Fremdsprachenassistenten/innen zwischen den USA und den Ländern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch. Der PAD freut sich, dass Sie sich um eine Stelle als Fremdsprachenassistent an deutschen Schulen beworben haben.

    Sie haben bereits mit den Application Forms des Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York einen Antrag auf eine Fremdsprachenassistenzzeit in Deutschland gestellt.

    Der PAD bittet darum, zusätzlich einen PAD-Bewerbungsbogen auszufüllen und zusammen mit den Anlagen "Lebenslauf" und "Motivationsschreiben" (cover letter) dem PAD zuzuschicken. Den PAD-Bewerbungsbogen und Hinweise zu den weiteren Anlagen finden Sie im Internet unter:


    Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen diese Hinweise helfen.

    Mit besten Grüßen

    Please do not rely on what I said alone. My friend said she remembers receiving something, but still, do not make it a 100% thing. It might be best for everyone to do their own research and inquiries. Either way, most people seem to just translate their personal statement as a lebenslauf and a statement of grant as a Motivationsschreiben.

  2. For those in the Germany ETA application: except to receive in the mail instructions from the IIE for what will follow. They will request three copies of everything, from passport pictures along with three copies of statements in German. For those who did the Austria ETA, this will be rather familiar.

  3. Okay, I just looked around and asked about the thing and apparently many people have just taken their "Statement of Grant Purpose" and "Personal Statement" and translated them into German. One of my friends who is in Germany now took her actually CV and turned it into an essay; although, I think most people just take their personal statement as a Lebenslauf.

  4. But the deadline is March 1, 2012 (the same deadline we have for sending our transcripts to IIE)...and based on previous years' notification dates, we wouldn't know by then if we've received the ETA. Perhaps we'll get some sort of follow-up email with further instructions.

    Where was March 1st for these? I cant find any dates.

  5. I got the recommendation for GERMANY ETA:

    I am pleased to inform you that the National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education (IIE) has recommended you for a grant under the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the academic year 2012-13. Your application has been forwarded to the supervising agency abroad for final review. In addition, your application will be forwarded to the program sponsor, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, for transmittal to the presidentially- appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB). The FSB makes final decisions on Fulbright awards.

    Read it while riding the subway home... I read it, then I got another one and thought maybe they send the wrong email and wanted to reject me...

    Anyway, congrats to all those who to all those who got the recommendation; for those who did not, I hope the best for you in all other things and perhaps maybe there is next time.

  6. For those who get accepted to Germany's step two process its much better than 50%, its about 65% actually if they accept 1.5x the actual number. However, that obviously is much lower if its 2x....

  7. I emailed my advisor last night and she has not gotten back to me, which is pretty characteristic of her to be so aloof. Congrats Molly, I'm desperately waiting for my Germany response. If it comes at 6pm, I will hear about it at work, which will make it difficult to hold in my emotions either way (have not told my boss about this and wont until I hear the full thing).

  8. Anyone who is applying for the German ETA know of any statistics? I know that they have 140 spots, and that there are approx. 350 or so applicants for these positions. But how many are actually recommended for the second round?

    The first round accepts about 1.5x the total number of spaces. So the first round accepts atound 210 people or s0. This is then reduced to 140 during the second round. So if the number is the same as last year (350) then the chances of acceptance are rather high. But I presume there is also a university factor that is to be taken into account. I presume there is a university quota system whereby they accept a certain amount students proportional to the university so that the top tier schools do not dominate... a sort of equal opportunity thing so to speak.

  9. "Only" 50%?! 50% is a very high chance in the world of grant applications. I can't say that I can forget about the Fulbright application. I have had to make plans based on the assumption that I will receive the fellowship. I am in graduate school, and my mentor needs to know whether I plan to be gone for a year or not.

    That is a mistake on your part. I too am very much eager to be accepted, however, I have to recognize the limits here. This is a prestigius national (and international) grant. You are competing with many people, all very eager. 50% chance is still 50%, which means the likelihood of it happening and not happening are about the same on an average level. When considering such grants, best not to assume things... its the setup for disaster.

  10. Ugh, if it is tomorrow, it means Ill find out while I am at work, unless I resist the urge and wait till after (which I will fail in doing)... this means tomorrow is going to be a very surreal day and perhaps quite visceral as well... I really wish it came as a letter in the mail instead!

    Good luck to everyone!

  11. Another question...is anyone applying for the Austrian Teaching Assistantship as well? How competitive is it? I just sent my application off last week and am already anxious....haha.

    I applied for this as well as the ETA Germany. I hope its higher than Germany since the application seemed a bit more old school (non-internet). Either way, good luck!

    And is anyone else besides me feeling faint when thinking about it? I just want to know already. This limbo feels like it will last an eternity.

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