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Everything posted by Song

  1. Song

    MFA 2012 Decisions!!

    Thank you! I'm really looking forward to it. If it cheers you up - I was no. 1 one the RISD waiting list and got accepted pretty quickly. So I think you have a good chance.
  2. Song

    MFA 2012 Decisions!!

    Thank you! I was accepted via application management site on April 1st. The deadline for giving answers is April 25th, so I think that you should hear from them on that day. But maybe you should call the admission office and ask?
  3. Song

    MFA 2012 Decisions!!

    Officially going to Yale in the fall.
  4. Alright, after being on waitlist for RISD - I finally got an acceptance! About the SVA financial aid - I checked the MySVA site, but there was no offer there...
  5. has anyone gotten a financial aid offer from SVA?
  6. What?? I already traded my mac with a new set of brushes.
  7. Oh hi, Congratulations! You're for the 2yr program as well? Indeed crazy times. I'm too waiting for the financial aid offer - and I also heard from current students that it was generous [no numbers though]. The thing is, I am a U.S citizen - I just grew up in another country. So I don't exactly know what the policy there is for internationals. I haven't started looking for housing yet - since until the financial info comes up I don't know for sure that I can afford it. Have you started? Anyway - I'll keep you updated! Hope we'll meet someday :-)
  8. Nope, still waiting too.
  9. Thank you so much! Yale sure is among my top choices - I'm afraid it really depends on the financial aid... I don't know how much Yale tends to help the students. Does anyone here know? Because I would really love to go there!
  10. Oh man... Just saw your post. I hope it works out! Your probably somewhere at the top - they've seen your work and your progress from this past year - and it seems your interview was indeed very interesting. So hang in there!
  11. Thank you! I was totally not expecting it... SVA is really great - it will be hard to decide... I'm glad you're happy about going there! And you know - it really isn't too far from New Haven
  12. Kazoo - good luck! Hang in there - SAIC and UCSD are really great and they didn't give their final answer yet. I'm also on the waiting list for RISD...
  13. I'm sure of that. You have a list of some great schools there!
  14. Thanks so much! Where are you going?
  15. Oh my god - I GOT IN ! ! ! [to Yale] yay.
  16. Well, that's really up to you - after all, your money is your business. I can say that in my opinion, education is the best way to spend one's money. In my case - I will be spending money I don't have - but I'm able to stay in the States, work and pay it back [not that it will be easy]. If you're planning on going back to your country after you graduate, but you think you can already get a good job there right now - then you should ask yourself if the extra education and the experience of living abroad are worth that amount of money. And ask yourself if with the salaries payed in your country, it is possible to cover the expenses of this education over a reasonable period of time.
  17. Hi, umm... yeah - I never really got a chance to go through any presentation - at the beginning they didn't even let me go into talking about individual pieces. They just kept asking me things about my work in general, and that lead to talking about individual pieces. It was more like a conversation of 7 people.
  18. Good luck with that! Going to these top schools almost always means taking out loans [unless you've got really rich parents]. I guess you can apply for Fullbright... I have dual citizenship so I'm not eligible for that. But I can stay and work after.
  19. I understood from current students in other schools, that were accepted to calarts and sva, that their financial aid is extremely limited for everyone - not only internationals. I'm a citizen - so I guess I'm eligible for loans [yey...].
  20. I guess it's comforting to know that this is their policy and style of interviewing. But it also means that it's a waist of time to try and figure out what they meant by acting like this - because they operate this method on everyone. I hope we both make it though! This will be a stressful week indeed.
  21. Thank you! But like I said - I don't think I made it. I am finishing my undergrad this year - and it's very rare that they accept students so fresh out of school. Maybe if my interview would have been fabulous I would think I had a chance - but it didn't and I was nervous and I suspect they thought I was weird... As for your interview - I don't think the fact that it was on skype had an effect on it - you should stay optimistic! Maybe if we're really lucky we'll see each other next year at Yale :-) and if not - perhaps in SVA [which is also considered being lucky]. I'll let you know if I go there! Good luck to us!
  22. Don't be too worried - I don't know what the SVA aid situation is, but at MICA their letter of acceptance also did not include any info on financial aid. Only a week later they sent me their proposal of a partial merit scholarship [and the rest loans].
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