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  1. Came here today to check on USC and Yale only to find this. I've responded to numerous messages the past several days regarding NYU, and I am withdrawing myself from the speculation game. Best of luck to everybody who now has interviews! I'm slightly confused, and that just goes to show that none of us can predict this crazy, crazy process. All we can do is stay positive throughout.
  2. To my knowledge, the cohort size is 6 (one person deferred). Don't give up hope, though... I know nothing about the wait list. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me. Wishing you the best!
  3. Forgot to respond to this, sorry. Seriously! Who knows. NYU really subverted their typical notification timeline this year. There's really no telling. I hope you hear something soon!
  4. No problem with that at all: I'm just corroborating and creating a more complete picture for those in the dark with no contacts at all. I didn't mean to insinuate you were lying, btw, by using the phrase "false premises"; perhaps "incomplete details" would have been better.
  5. That may be true in the case of a wait list, but I'm going this week for recruitment activities...all of the accepted cohort has, in fact, been notified. I just don't want anybody to get their hopes up on false premises. But like I said, it's probably true that a wait list hasn't been finalized yet.
  6. @alh, what makes you say that Yale should be reporting any day now?
  7. Well my UMN status is still "Awaiting Program Decision" and I was waitlisted there. And thanks everybody for the well wishes
  8. Thanks a lot, fanon_fanatic! This was my top program, so I am very, very excited.
  9. FYI, everybody: NYU American Studies called accepted students for the PhD program last night. I do not know the status of the waiting list, but I doubt it's likely that they called waitlisted people last night because the DGS called me rather late in the evening and he still wasn't finished calling admitted students. 5/195 applicants were admitted...an inchoate but pretty assuring picture of funding was made available. Recruitment weekend is more than likely happening next weekend, which is mad. I am still in shock. They are notorious for being the LAST folks to notify people. Feel free to message me with questions!
  10. I can't guarantee it, but I would probably say it's a safe bet to assume all people have been contacted. The only reason I say that is because I had been in communication with the DGS earlier in the week and he said I would hear back from them "early in the upcoming week." I'm assuming they notified all of the wait-listed folks yesterday evening at once. That would lead me to believe all 8 accepted students have already been notified. I think that's all the info I have, but feel free to PM me if you wanna know more.
  11. that was me, and I need to correct what I said: they admitted 8 and are aiming for a cohort of 4.
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