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RPCV Cameroon

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Everything posted by RPCV Cameroon

  1. does anyone know if any of the following dissertation fieldwork grants are deferrable? NSF DDRIG SSRC IDRF Wenner Gren
  2. As someone who went into debt for an MS, I have to comment on this. DO NOT DO IT. THERE IS ANOTHER WAY. FIND IT. Student loan debt on that level will take over your life, regardless of whether it ends up being useful to you in some other way or not. WAIT. Do a master's IF AND ONLY IF it is FULLY funded (including living expenses) --- or if you can pay cash for everything it will entail. It doesn't matter how good the program is. Ask all the people who went to top tier medical, law, and business schools. This particular risk is absolutely not worth it, especially in the humanities and/or social sciences.
  3. Oh also, for the payment due on 4/15, do I pay that as part of filing my annual return, or do I use whatever method I used to pay the amounts due on the other 3 due dates?
  4. This is helpful, guys! Thanks! One more question, just to be safe: the January 15th payment due date is actually for taxes owed from the PRIOR year, right? Example: Let's say I estimate owing $100 in 2015 (for the sake of simplicity). I should have figured out this estimate at the beginning of 2015 (right?). In order to cover what I owe for 2015, I pay: $25 on 4/15/15 $25 on 6/15/15 $25 on 9/15/15 $25 on 1/15/16 Before 4/15/16, I file my annual return, and I indicate on there somewhere that I paid $100 in estimated taxes for 2015. At this time, I claim any deductions I want to take. Then, at the beginning of 2016, I estimate what I'll owe for 2016. Repeat. ... Right? Speaking of which, I believe mandatory school fees can be claimed as deductions, but I'm confused as to whether you list them as deductions or just don't include them in your income. I'm confused about this because "the portion of the scholarship/fellowship used for mandatory fees and materials" is said to be an untaxable portion of the scholarship/fellowship ---> http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc421.html
  5. Hmm ... not sure why my links are like that. Here they are again: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Estimated-Taxes http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040es.pdf http://www.irs.gov/publications/p505/index.html
  6. Hi all, I posted this as a reply in another thread, but I thought better of it as that thread hasn't been active for years, and this is an IMPORTANT, confusing topic that I'm sure a LOT of grad students need help with. Accountants are expensive to use ONCE a year, let alone 4 times a year, and schools refuse to give tax advice. Let's see if we can't help each other out. If you're under a fellowship from which NO TAXES ARE WITHHELD, chances are that it is in your best interest to file and pay QUARTERLY ESTIMATED TAXES. It's confusing and looks like a huge hassle. I've seen some people comment in these forums about having done it, or about knowing someone who has done it, so there is knowledge to benefit from here! Below are some questions I currently have regarding this process. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Can you use Turbo Tax to figure your estimated taxes and quarterly payments? Has anyone successfully done this using Turbo Tax? Would you recommend it? I'm planning to make quarterly payments just to be safe, but I'm confused about how it works when you're just starting school. The following publications make it sound like you figure/estimate your total taxes for the current year AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CURRENT YEAR, then pay them at 4 times during the year (April, June, September, January)... But what if you don't start school and receive your fellowship/stipend until September? Will you get dinged for not having made estimated payments in April and June? http://www.irs.gov/p...pdf/f1040es.pdf http://www.irs.gov/B...Estimated-Taxes Do you need to include deductions when you figure and make your quarterly payments, or can you simply wait and claim all the deductions when you file your annual return the next April? (I assume you still need to file an annual return, right?... Speaking of which, is making estimated payments anything like filing the annual tax return?) Do you have to report the cost of the health insurance provided by the school? Is there any penalty for overpaying estimated taxes, or for paying if you actually wouldn't have been required to? And what about receiving extra funding in the middle of the year (i.e., a research or conference grant, summer support)? Since it could be difficult to predict exactly what support you'll get, should you use the "annualized income installment method"? From reading the description here -> http://www.irs.gov/p...blink1000194572 ... it *sounds* like this method allows you to figure your estimated taxes at regular intervals throughout the year (based on earnings during the specified period, and, now that I look at it, I think this method does want you to calculate the deductions four times a year as well). Is that right? ^ This sounds like a HUGE pain, but - if you use the four-equal-payments method and end up getting an unexpected award - you could end up being penalized for underpaying.
  7. Can you use Turbo Tax to figure your estimated taxes and quarterly payments? Has anyone successfully done this using Turbo Tax? Would you recommend it? I'm planning to make quarterly payments just to be safe, but I'm confused about how it works when you're just starting school. The following publications make it sound like you figure/estimate your total taxes for the current year AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CURRENT YEAR, then pay them at 4 times during the year (April, June, September, January)... But what if you don't start school and receive your fellowship/stipend until September? Will you get dinged for not having made estimated payments in April and June? http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040es.pdf http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Estimated-Taxes Do you need to include deductions when you figure and make your quarterly payments, or can you simply wait and claim all the deductions when you file your annual return the next April? (I assume you still need to file an annual return, right?... Speaking of which, is making estimated payments anything like filing the annual tax return?) Do you have to report the cost of the health insurance provided by the school? Is there any penalty for overpaying estimated taxes, or for paying if you actually wouldn't have been required to? And what about receiving extra funding in the middle of the year (i.e., a research or conference grant, summer support)? Since it could be difficult to predict exactly what support you'll get, should you use the "annualized income installment method"? From reading the description here -> http://www.irs.gov/publications/p505/ch02.html#en_US_2015_publink1000194572 ... it *sounds* like this method allows you to figure your estimated taxes at regular intervals throughout the year (based on earnings during the specified period, and, now that I look at it, I think this method does want you to calculate the deductions four times a year as well). Is that right? ^ This sounds like a HUGE pain in the ass, but - if you use the four-equal-payments method and end up getting an unexpected award - you could end up being penalized for underpaying. UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It pisses me off that the school doesn't just withhold.
  8. I think anyone considering paying for any part of an MA or MS should give very serious consideration to the lifelong implications of taking out student loans. It is not something to take lightly. Don't buy into the myth that more academic credentials are necessary to advance. Sure, they *could* help you, and sure, the program itself will be an amazing experience, but there are probably many better choices. Be careful.
  9. Do NOT pay for an MA... unless your family is filthy rich. So, I guess I should say, "Do NOT go into debt for an MA."
  10. Has anyone heard from UPenn, Virginia, or Boston? I'm seeing nothing at all in the results search. It's so late ... makes me wonder what could be going on! Funding issues?
  11. I sent an email to the... I think she's called a "Graduate Secretary", or maybe "Graduate Assistant"? She ended up forwarding my email to someone on the admissions committee.
  12. To anyone whose posted something about UCLA: I'm seeing people on the results board saying they got an email to check the website. I haven't gotten anything from UCLA yet. I tried checking the online application, but I can't find anything anywhere that reveals your admissions status. What website are you guys talking about?
  13. Glad to hear this! UCLA is one of my top 3. Mayyyyyyyyybe, just mayyyyyyyybe, I have not yet been rejected? On the bright side, if I have been rejected, making a decision as to where to go will be so much easier.
  14. I got into Michigan too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. My proposed project looks at social development projects that attempt to alter communicative norms. I would be straddling the language and thought & psych anth tracks. CHD has several people who would be great mentors: Cole, Kulick, Lucy, Shweder.. Raikhel could also be really helpful depending on how the project actually plays out. What about you?
  16. Congrats! I got an interview there, too. Are you going to go to Chicago for the thing on the 16th? I really, really, really, really want to, but I have a prior commitment. I asked if opting for a Skype interview would hurt my chances at all... and asked the lady to be candid since this department is one of my top 3 choices! I sent some time options but I haven't heard back yet. They're probably just coordinating schedules, but of course I'm ansty. What do you guys think? Am I shooting myself in the foot or is a Skype interview ok? Does anyone know how many people CHD interviews versus how many they accept?
  17. I'm also wondering what you guys mean when you say "present" and "presentation" ... like, you're up in front of an audience? I know Daisy mentioned a Power Point. Speaking of which, did they give you guidelines/requirements for that, or just say, "Make us a Power Point!"
  18. I just asked this in the "faculty perspectives" thread ... I hope someone with authority pipes up about it! I'd love to know!
  19. I have a question for faculty: What, exactly, is the significance of an interview? Do you only interview people you think you definitely want? Or do you sometimes interview people you think you might want but aren't sure about? If you DON'T interview someone around the time your institution is conducting interviews, does that mean they're likely out? Is it common to not interview and just accept?
  20. You should bop on over to the "interview prep" thread! Anyone who has good advice should, too. I'm sure we could all use it!!
  21. Why would applicants and/or grad schools use TOR? Do you really think schools are investigating our surfing habits? Just curious. Never occurred to me.
  22. Personally, I think it's best to dress up. It can only make a good first impression. How about a black or grey skirt (with tights) or black or grey pants, neutral flats, an unpatterned shirt (a color that looks good on you - maybe something calming like blue or green), a blazer, and a necklace with earrings? There are lots of comfy flats out there. I get all my stuff at thrift stores. You can look bomb for less than $20! Where's your interview? Are you in a big city now?
  23. Was it a mass email or a personal one from a POI?
  24. Here's a link to their thread, so you can see what I mean (and get info!):
  25. and how did it go!!?
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