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  1. oh ps, to those who got HM : will you put it on your CV?
  2. oh that is amazing!! i would have loved to be an alternate lol. well, good luck and i hope you get it!
  3. HM "Dear Ford Foundation Fellowship Predoctoral Applicant: Your application in the 2011 predoctoral competition of the Ford Foundation Fellowships Program has been carefully evaluated. We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a fellowship. However, it is a pleasure to inform you that your application was sufficiently meritorious to receive special recognition. Unless you requested otherwise, your name will appear on the Honorable Mention List, which will be posted on the Fellowships Office Web Page."
  4. yes, i would totally love it if someone called! (out of the US here, otherwise i would do it)
  5. ugh, yeah, fellowship apps are entirely draining... it's a lot of work, and essentially a gamble for a real source of income. i'm lucky that my department provides steady funding, but with huge undergrad debts, in an expensive city where housing eats up most of my $ and with an unemployed spouse, it's still pretty tough to manage - and demoralizing at times. i'm really exhausted by all of it - especially when april rolls around, because it's always an emotional rollercoaster. this week, everytime i check my email i feel slightly ill. but hang in there!!! it's tough for most if not all of us - but it's also a source of support to have a place like this where we can vent and get support from fellow-grads. good luck and good vibes to everyone.
  6. thanks for responding. yeah, that's what mine reads as well. good luck all of you!
  7. according to the website, all my app materials were received, but i never actually got a confirmation of any sort that my app was complete. (though i've been away from my mailing address so i wouldn't know if i got one via post.) did everyone else get this? it's probably just last minute jitters but i'm hoping that my app wasn't excluded from review for some silly technical reason.
  8. area studies (interdisciplinary - poli sci/geography/anthro)
  9. hmm, i wonder if all the yes/alternate notifications have gone out. if yes, so much for that! if not, i can still daydream
  10. congrats to both of you!! that is absolutely fantastic news, no small feat! what fields are you in, if i may ask?
  11. i am FREAKING OUT. i just got into a phd program at columbia - which i am super excited about, but also waiting to hear from UK programs (but won't hear about funding till may and have to make a decision now!) im american but my husband is european and we live in europe. the problem is it may take a really long time for him to get a visa - maybe even 2 years. i don't know if he (or i)will be happy in new york --- he's never been so he has no way to make an informed decision! i don't really know what to do. he said that maybe we could make it work, but i feel like it's so unfair since he has never been to the states, doesn't know what it's like, and may love it or hate it -- and it would uproot him and all of his hard work establishing himself in the UK, learning to speak english, etc for 5 years. i don't even knw if they will let me start in the spring, so maybe i have a chance to get him a visa faster. spousal visas take so long. damn.
  12. i just met a few profs in the department where I've been waitlisted for a phd. the cohort is small (6-8) and it's an ivy. i met with the dept. chair and the DGS, who told me that this is the first year they've used a waitlist, due to lack of funding. my spot doesn't depend on one of the accepted students in the dept declining -- the dean of the graduate school will notify each department how many students they can take from the waitlist after april 15 when other students have responded to their offers. it may be the same in your case, i.e. your chance of getting off hte waitlist does not depend on one of those 2-3 students declining their offer.
  13. i just received an email from the dept administrator stating that the acceptance rate was cut due to the financial crisis and that they are using a waitlist for the first time. I should expect to hear back after April 15 when the committee convenes to consider responses to offers.
  14. does anyone know anything about the harris waitlist? i was waitlisted and i emailed for more details, but i'm wondering whether the waitlist is ranked, what my chances are, etc.
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