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Julianne Pigoon

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Everything posted by Julianne Pigoon

  1. I have nothing to do with this, but I just find this kind of mistake...unacceptable...from a graduate program. A lot is hinging on these decisions for a great number of people, emotionally and otherwise. I attended CMU's Literary and Cultural Studies MA program briefly, and had a shit experience; one which included incompetence like this from their office staff. Although coincidental, seeing such a thing from CMU still doesn't surprise me. There's nothing to be done, really, and threatening to sue is just asinine, as there are no damages. I should expect to see a big fat public apology from the department, however. I'm sorry to everyone who had to go put up with this nonsense.
  2. I appreciate your optimism. I've been so excited to start that I'm bordering on devastation (something I managed to avoid even through rejection season). Susan Kelley has not gotten back to me yet to even say she'll look into what she can do, so my concerns are mounting. We're moving to Pittsburgh regardless as my boy is going to Pitt Law, but man. What the hell am I going to do with myself. Maybe I'll just apply for the PhD for next fall. I'm beginning to have doubts that this is worth the energy and money, especially if I have no choice but to take classes I don't care for. :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[
  3. Thanks, bro. I did email this Susan Kelley. Apparently they have no idea why I was never contacted. My name for my Andrew ID is misspelled, and my email address contains it. I have a strong feeling they sent out correspondance to the wrong address. As a result, I'm enrolled in a bunch of classes about which I have zero interest. I may withdraw.
  4. I emailed Dr. Shumway on Sunday just to make sure the department received my acceptance form, and he has not yet gotten back to me. I've had no word, and now I'm hearing that classes are filling up. Did they forget about me? .__.
  5. No worries. I'm sure they'll get back to the MA students when they're good and ready. I may send them an email just to make sure they got my form, as I haven't head anything since the deadline. As far as IDs go, I figured that would all happen the week before classes start or something, or during orientation. It would be nice to have it beforehand as we're selling our car and intend to use public transit once we get to Pittsburgh (which is, of course, free with CMU or Pitt ID). Also, I reread the email I sent you. Did I very possibly mention that I intend to apply to the PhD program later on? Ha. Proofreading.
  6. I got no such email. Maybe I should pester them.
  7. Troll post or no, I want to be a prof first and foremost, and channel my creative writing juices into academic creative nonfiction. OKBYE.
  8. What I would like to know is why they haven't yet gotten back to recently admitted students about registration. Or anything at all.
  9. I agree. It entirely depends on the program, but it is not uncommon for unfunded MA students to have an adversarial relationship with the funded PhD students. My professor Amy Rodgers, who is fresh out of PhD from U Michigan, told me that's one of the biggest reasons why they no longer offer an MA. She strongly warned me against them without talking to current graduate students. I have been warned by other faculty, as well. That aside, if this program is funded and it's enticing to you, then go. I still don't think I personally would, however. Why not come to CMU with me and we can be bro(cifinas)?
  10. I would not do this. You won't be taken as seriously as the other students, and I doubt it will increase your chances of getting into a PhD. If you're paying them anything at all, it's a cash cow.
  11. Ha, yes, Strong Bad and TGS are permanently burnt into my brain. listen up you undapants you're about to get hogtied and pushed down into some snakewater
  12. I've decided to go to Carnegie Mellon. Good luck to anyone who may happen to be on the waitlist for MA at Northwestern, Brandeis or Buffalo.
  13. If I sound pissy about it, it's because I am. Fortunately there seem to be plenty of no fee places in the areas I'm looking at. Thanks for the info. We're also a family of four, and I'm also hoping to be going to Brandeis. My boyfriend is considering a spot at Northeastern Law, and is also a Brandeis alumnus and lived in varying areas of Boston during his graduate program. We're looking in Somerville, Cambridge, Jamaica Plain, Brookline, and Watertown (because it's close to Waltham.) Somerville, Cambridge and JP are all great for families and the areas we're mostly hoping to find a place. We're steering clear of Allston (which is sort of a student ghetto; lots of partying etc.), East Boston and Chelsea, and Mission Hill. I imagine Waltham would be an okay place to have children, depending on the neighborhood. Same with Dorchester. Newton is close to Waltham as well, but I believe it is more typically suburban. A lot also depends on whether or not you have a car. Some areas are great for public transportation to Waltham, while others are just too far and would be expensive and nearly undoable. I don't know very much about public schools in any of these areas. That's research I plan to do in the case we are definitely moving to Boston, which is still up in the air at this point.
  14. So, I take it, this does not go toward your first month's rent, it's simply a huge sum of money that the broker runs off with?
  15. Hi guys. I looked back a couple of pages, but I am far too busy/lazy to search any further for this. My boyfriend lived in Somerville for his MA, and I've lived in Providence for several years (and therefore have spent a lot of time in Boston), but we still have NO idea what the broker fees imply. It's this mysterious cult language. We can't decipher it. Has anyone who's rented an apartment with a "fee" or "half fee" been inducted into this clandestine order?
  16. It generally tends to go, as I have found out, in the way that the more prestigious the school, the less they will fund. Though that is by no means a perfect model, the smaller (shittier) state schools will often fund MAs as generously as a PhD program, and will even often offer TAships. The larger, more "big name" schools will offer nothing, and assume you want to get into 40k+ worth of debt for their name to emblazon your diploma. To some degree, this makes sense, and to another degree, it's ridiculous. Some MAs are also half or partially funded. MA is also a great deal less competitive than PhD, and my experience has been the one I've told you. Especially if you're not coming out of a super prestigious undergrad and/or do not have stellar GRE scores and undergrad records, MA is a good step to take to prepare for advanced graduate work. You're definitely smart to have a backup plan.
  17. You will most likely get into one or many more MA programs.
  18. UIUC is also a feeder program for their PhD. I almost applied there for that very reason.
  19. Just got an email from William Flesch telling me I've been waitlisted, and to let them know if it's one of my top choices. The waiting game is over for me! YAY. Good luck to anyone else still waiting to hear back :]
  20. Anyone heard anything about the MA lately? I'm about to email them, but thought I'd check here first.
  21. Accepted by letter today, yaaaay! Information about research assistantships etc., but none about a writing center. I also wonder why some people received phone calls, others emails, and others letters?
  22. I did not receive this email. Probably good news.
  23. Baha. Hi. Thanks! I will do that!
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