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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Chemistry Ph.D

lilam's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. one
  2. Oops wrong link, but there is one.
  3. Someone started a thread already
  4. Will be joining the chemistry PhD program. How is the housing search going for everyone?
  5. lilam

    Troy, NY

    No problem!
  6. Ionic Bond
  7. lilam

    Troy, NY

    Thanks TeaGirl for the link. I visited the school on Friday. It was really impressive research-wise for me. I didn't get a chance to see the graduate housing, but many of the graduate students said that its very very nice but too expensive. However, in your case, the graduate housing might be the best option for the first year if you chose to attend the school. I saw other prospective graduate students for the other departments visiting as well, but I can't really say much in terms of what they experienced in the department of mechanical engineering. I didn't get a chance to tour the town, but it seemed to have improved considerably as compared to five years ago. One thing I can say is that it seems like a lively place to live and study, if not relatively small. With regards to safety, I got the sense that if you are smart enough to not walk around at night alone you'll be fine which is typical anywhere.
  8. Birthday Cake
  9. Finally received the official notice from graduate admissions!
  10. Bread and Breakfast
  11. Skin graft
  12. America(n) Dream
  13. That's the thing. The online application has not changed at all! I'm so worried. I just want the official offer to arrive, if it ever arrives...
  14. I'm in the same position, currently waiting for an official letter which the official informed me would "hopefully" arrive in a few days. Hopefully...
  15. Summer Rain
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