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Everything posted by gradschoolFTW

  1. There are great professors at both programs (in addition to my mentors) that I could collaborate with. I just feel like School B would offer me more exposure to various areas of social/personality psychology because the department is very large. Since I'm sure my interests will change and expand a bit during my graduate studies, it seems like this could be helpful. However, the mentor at School A has work way more related to what I hope to eventually do. I just don't know how much weight to give to the particular mentor vs. the department as a whole.
  2. I’m choosing between two social/personality phd programs to which I got accepted with similar rankings and who offer similar funding. I got a guaranteed fellowship at school A and a first year fellowship (that I need to reapply for yearly) at school B. My interests are definitely more aligned with the POI at school A, but school B has a much larger department and many great professors who I could collaborate with. Additionally, school B is in a much more favorable location. The mentors I’d be working with at both schools are very respected researchers and from the feedback from their students they both seem like they would be great to work with. Assuming everything else is almost equal, would you decide to attend the program that you like overall more or the program with the mentor whose work you are more interested in? I appreciate your advice!
  3. I actually didn't bother submitting any of my financial aid information to this school since I didn't hear any word from the program. It was just a reminder to fill out the FAFSA. Depending on when the application deadline was, maybe it would be okay to inquire about it with the program? You could just send an email asking whether it is necessary for you to fill out that information if you are unsure about whether you've been accepted.
  4. I got a financial aid reminder from a school where I didn't hear anything else from the professors or program to which I applied. I wouldn't get too excited.
  5. Can the FSU poster please PM me your POI as well? Thanks
  6. Can the ASU interview posters please PM me your POIs as well?
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