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Everything posted by sociologygradgirl

  1. I don't think schools outside of the top 40 are a waste at all. The school you attend undeniably matters- but so does the research you produce and your mentor. If a school outside of the top matches your research goals and you have several people there to work with, then apply! I think it would be better to go to a #50 and publish 5 articles with well respected scholars than go to #30 without a lot of support and end up with few or no publications. My MA program was at a R1 and I saw the hiring of three people. Two came from great schools. One came from a completely unranked public university but with 7 publications, a grant, and a notable mentor. So it's not impossible outside of the top 40. Especially if you find a great fit that will help you get a lot done while you are there.
  2. @Ladril. Yes, University of Georgia Athens.
  3. Declared at UGA What a relief this is over....
  4. If the rank of UGA is concerning you, you should ask them for a listing of job placements. Most departments will gladly hand over that information. If they are ranked lower but placing people in jobs you would like to have, then I wouldn't be so concerned about their name recognition.
  5. I think any of the UC schools have a decent amount of name recognition.
  6. oh, to answer the question about my MA: it is at an unranked R1 school.
  7. I decided to stay at my undergrad institution for an MA. I did not get into any "good" PhD programs from undergrad. I thought that if I stayed, it would give me a leg up. I already knew the faculty, so I would have people to work on research with immediately. For me, this was the best decision. I got an RAship and was able to work on two other research pieces in addition to my thesis while I was here. One turned into a co-author pub, the other was just a presentation, but filled in a CV line nonetheless. This application cycle, I got into 3 out 5 programs, all in the top 50 or higher. I know the research helped, I think putting up some grad grades helped as well. Also, most of the schools that accepted me are willing to take some of my MA classes (Stats, Theory), so it wasn't really time wasted and I'm not repeating anything from having done it.
  8. It's not for the department- I know research match was why I was admitted. This is for a competitve, university-wide fellowship.
  9. I have not declared to any school let because I am still in the process of trying to leverage for fellowships and such. At my current institution, I just found out I ended up winning an award for my thesis. Should I email prospective schools and tell them this? Or would that sound too cocky?
  10. Still haven't made a decision... This sucks... My mind might cave in... and I have to present at NCSA and defend my thesis right when a decision is due... ugghhhhhhhhhh
  11. Is anyone else facing a difficult decision between two (or more) programs? What is swaying you in one direction over the other? Or any other criteria youa re using to make your final decision....
  12. I seem to have the opposite plan of everyone else. I am moving east to west, so the extra time is GREAT! But, I plan on staying put for as long as humanly possible. I have been here for serveral years now, and have more connections here than I would anywhere else. Connections = a better chance to land a job for the summer, work there as long as possible, save as much money as possible before entering foriegn territory.
  13. any additional details would be greatly appreciated!
  14. i literally just got an acceptance email! there is a visit day on March 16th.
  15. Well, it's looking more like Tuesday at this point. Assuming we won't hear anything on Monday with the holiday and all...
  16. In MA program, when the comittee meets there is a group of those that are 100% in and those they know they are not taking. Then there's a group in the middle. They usually wait until they know EXCATLY how much funding there is to start contacting these people. Also, by that point, some of the initial offers are rejected, which frees up a few spaces. I'm at an R1 public school and they do not know the exact funding yet, nor have they sent all of the acceptances.
  17. Seems odd no invites are out considering the visit day is supossed to be in exactly 2 weeks.... I'm starting to wonder what's going on or if the day got moved or something... the anticipation is literally driving me insane. I would be happy to get a rejection letter at this point, just to know SOMETHING
  18. by the posts from them in the past years, it looks like you get invited to an interview/ "visit day", then later are accepted/rejected.
  19. When I was applying to MA programs and was asked that question, I just responded with "I do have other offers". You don't have to say exactly where, but it is okay to be honest and tell them if you do. Also from my own experience, if you are torn between two schools you can use the "other offer" to try to negotiate things like funding/stipend, accepting coursework, etc.
  20. From my experience applying to my MA program, not everyone who was invited to the open house was necessarily in. SOME were sure things by the time they arrived. The school did invite some people they wanted additional info from and the chance to meet them before making an absolute decision.
  21. I got a call from a professor at UCSD last night and wanted to share the info: He said last year they had a huge cohort- 17 people- and they are going smaller this year. They are only expecting to have a cohort of 10 this year. Many of the current students applied for outside funding and they are waiting in the results of that to determine this year's situation. If you go to the open house, they should have some definite numbers for you there. He DID mention that everyone who is accepted should get a one yesr fellowship, but the amount of the stipend is not yet determined.
  22. UGA- March 4-6 UCSD- March 14 CU Boulder- March 2
  23. i hope so. i've developed a nervous twitch everytime my email goes off...
  24. does anyone know anything about the funding situation in san diego? when will we hear something?
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