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  1. I'm Temple too! I'm just still waiting for my official letter to come :/
  2. is anyone still waiting for emory?
  3. anyone still waiting on temple, ifa, columbia or emory? down to my last 4. and judging from other results i'm pretty positive im rejected. and as for temple... i feel like they are avoiding me! i emailed twice and called tuesday and the admissions person was out so the kid who answered took a message and i havent heard back. i'm just angry that my app might not even be looked at because of their technical problems. not to mention the money i spent. ughhhh. i dont know if i should even email or call again.
  4. got rejected from both today (MA) Hope you did better! I'm still waiting on temple, nyu, emory, columbia and penn
  5. Hicks - I've given up on Temple. I've emailed twice in the last 2 weeks about my application issues and didn't even get a response. it makes me really upset to think my chances are lowered because they must be having issues with their system. grrr. still no news from ifa, udel, columbia, unc, or upenn.... just tell me im rejected already.
  6. first of all congrats to the recent admits, and sorry to those who had bad days I have heard ZERO from all the places that came out today (IFA, Emory, UDel)... I'm trying to tell myself I'm on a secret wait list or something haha. good luck to everyone in the next couple days!
  7. thanks Hicks - Well I emailed them because i saw one of my transcripts wasnt received. i kinda figured with the other materials that i used through slide room maybe they wouldnt say anything. and they said to resend my transcript and that the other itmes were missing. the whole application to temple was so confusing to me. the website for Tyler says you must Slide Room, and the Temple site made no reference. I just hope they merit what I thought to be correct.
  8. So I'm totally freaking out anyone else who applied to Temple - I emailed again because it still said I was missing a transcript. They said I should resend it, and that I also am missing several other materials!! I used Slide Room - weren't we supposed to use that????
  9. Thanks for the nice words cokohlik! I'm waiting on 3 more PhDs and 5 MAs.
  10. @ cokohlik thanks i kind of figured the PhDs I applied to were long shots. People have already gotten in to a few I applied to and I haven't heard anything. I'm holding out for my MA programs though! Gotta be positive right? ha.... Congrats on your MA admit though! Care to divulge which one? haha.
  11. got my first rejection today.... not feeling great. it was Duke - didn't get an email just saw the decision online.
  12. I applied to Yale and judging from the one admit I'm not feeling to good about my chances. It was a reach anyway. But congrats and to the UDEL admit. I'm hoping to get into UDEL's MA program. Did anyone else apply to udel for the ma and have you heard anything?
  13. I have not heard from Yale either (or anywhere for that matter) @artofdescribing - congrats for the waitlist at Penn - did you have an interview there if you don't mind my asking?
  14. @cokohlik- sorry to hear. if it makes you feel any better at all, i haven't heard a single thing from anywhere (2 of which have already accepted/waitlisted people)
  15. @ Hicks - my temple app says outstanding items as well... i emailed them last week and they said they were still putting things together for each applicant. hope that helps. i know, i was freaked out too!
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